Date : 04.24.95
Description of Modifications
The following includes a description of all modifications to the Secondary Mirror Alignment System till April 1996. This document belongs as supplement to the MS43E document and includes modified chapters only.
At the same time the mirror mounting was changed to simplify mounting/ dismounting procedure. All three mirror posts include now a tip/tilt degree of freedom and two of them an additional radially translation DOF (see attached drawing S-915077-115 and S-915077-131).
The interface plane between the posts and the mirror mounting plate is modified
by an additional INVAR part ( drawing S-915077-130) welded to the back side of
the mirror mounting plate. It is grinded and has a small out of plane
tolerance. Together with the integrated tip/tilt DOF of the posts even a
repeated mounting/dismounting with minimum stress to the mirror should be
possible. To fix the mirror posts to the mounting plate three M5 screws
(unloosable) are used now instead of M6 nuts.
Mirror Mounting/Dismounting
The design of the TM-UNIT allows to carry out all testing and calibrating
procedures independent of the kind of the mirror mounted. An aluminum dummy
mirror was used for testing with the same shape and about the same moment of
inertia as the final mirror substrate.
To avoid any mechanical stress in the mirror substrate, the last step of the mounting procedure is to glue to mirror onto the post-flats. After that, no screw must be touched. This general rule may be broken if an mounted mirror is dismounted and later reinstalled with the same posts glued on the substrate. In that case, the mirror should be mounted in the same orientation and the three M5 screws should be tightened with equal torque.
Dismounting Procedure
1. The mirror is mounted via three posts on the mirror mounting plate. Unscrew the metric M5 screws (13) at the bottom side of the mirror mounting plate. Reach through the free center space to the three M5 screws at the post mounting pads and use an Allen key tool to unscrew the screws.
2. Unlock the three safety hooks (6) with an Allen key, tilt it to the center position and lock it again.
3. Carefully lift off the mirror with the glued-on INVAR posts from the mirror mounting plate. Avoid tilting.
Mounting Procedure
1. Mount the three INVAR posts to the post mounting pads on the mirror mounting plate using the three integrated metric M5 screws. Keep attention to the orientation of the two posts with integrated linear DOF . Please make sure that during gluing the posts to the mirror the orientation of the translation DOF is radially to the third post and not to the mirror center!
2. Glue the mirror onto the INVAR posts. This should be carried out while all components are at room temperature. Note that centering of the mirror is necessary and also the angular orientation has to comply with the safety hooks at the base structure.
3. Lock the safety hooks again in its most radial position.
The HEXAPOD unit was modified as follows:
1. All moving parts inside the HEXAPOD legs (especially the gear heads) were cleaned and lubricated with KL<BER LUBRICATION ISOFLEX LDS18 SPECIAL A. This is a special low temperature lubricant to ensure low viscosity and low motor current up to -10[[infinity]]C operation temperature.
2. To avoid mechanical crash during possible malfunction of the HEXAPOD Controller or optical limit switches additional mechanical limit switches were integrated inside each HEXAPOD leg to break the motor current direct if touched. This requested a slightly larger diameter of the HEXAPOD legs and a small change at the connector holder and the base plate.
3. Flexible wires were added between the HEXAPOD base plate and the Mirror Unit to prevent mechanical parts from falling down to the primary mirror in case all other safety features would fail.
The HEXAPOD controller (HEXC) performs the following functions:
1. Reading and transferring the analog position data for both tilting mirror axes within 100 us intervals.
2. Parsing and execution of HEXC commands by the host interface receiving data via serial data link.
3. Data link layer with communications, traffic control and data verification on Uplink.
4. Coordinate transformation for HEXAPOD translations and rotations.
5. PID-control of all motor axes
6. System state verification within 200 ms cycles
Communication interfaces on the host (RS-232) and for the data link (RS-422) have the same priority and are not alternatively disabled. The RS-232 interface enables the text output mode when receiving the first LineFeed (ENTER, 0Ah). The text output mode is disabled when receiving the QUIT command or after reset.
Otherwise the missing handshake signal and internal buffer overflow delays the command processing. The transmission of the sensor information is not concerned.
For motion control of the six HEXAPOD axes and the two auxiliary motors two fast specialized chipsets (4 axes per chipset) is used with 500 us servo loop update time. Each axis is interfaced by two quadrature encoder signals, two limit switch signals (right/left) and one reference TTL signal. During command processing the logical (geometrical) axes are assigned to the physical axes.
Logical Axis Physical Axis Controller # 1 0 1 2 1 1 3 2 1 4 0 2 5 1 2 6 2 2 7 3 2 8 3 1
The reported values for limit, reference and axis number using the STAT command refer to the physical axes. The output signal is given with a resolution of 12 bits. The limit switches for the two auxiliary axes are defined as low-active.
Optical limit switch hit events cause immediate stop of the referred axis and then the software moves the motor back until the limit switch released. This procedure may cause errors in the current position counter and therefore new initialization is required if any of the 6 axes hits the limit.
The amplifier for each axis has 3 Watts average output power at 12 Volts. After reaching the target position and if there is no new command to be executed, the motors are shut off (servo loops are suspended) after 5 seconds in order to save power and to avoid heating.
Inherent self blocking of the spindle avoids any undesired motion. If the position is changed anyway, there may occur abrupt motions after a new move command is issued.
Following modifications were done:
The most used operation mode for the HEXAPOD is piston movement for
focus adjustment. Because all HEXAPOD legs are wired identical and moving
parallel a high peak current is needed either from the +15V or from the -15V
power supply at this mode. To come to a better power sharing axis 1, 3 and 5
are rewired inside the HEXAPOD Controller so that each power supply has to
deliver half of the current during piston movement. This ensures also a higher
safety margin at very low operation temperatures were higher currents are
RS-422 Data
Serial data communication is used for digital data transfer from the sensors as
well as for HEXAPOD commands and status information. Data transfer from HEXAPOD
controller to the MPIC controller (downlink) occurs periodically each 100 us
with data bursts (2x16 bit sensor data in 2[[yen]]s complement and no validity
control and 2x8 bit status and multiplex data).
Handshake loss or time-outs during the downlink process cause a reset in the concerned module after 10 ms and then the data transfer is started over again. The servo control is suspended during that time and the last state of the PZT controller is maintained.
Command transmission from the HEXC to the MPIC controller (uplink) is handled by a multi level protocol. Data packages are verified by the CRC-CCITT generator polynom and are repeated up to 10 times if the transmission fails. In the case the error is still there or if the 500 ms time-out is expired, an error message is issued. Missing handshake during the uplink causes a reset of the module after 5 ms and then data transmission is resumed. During these error handling procedures the downlink transmission is not influenced and stays in operation.
MP-UNIT Controller
Parallel Inputs: U-IN, V-IN
If the servo loop is shut off, the digital target positions (TTL level) at the parallel inputs are loaded directly into the D/A Converters (DAC) after the coordinate transformation. Changes of the position values through the parallel interface are not limited by any slew rate.
Sensor position data are processed internally with 0.002 arcsec = LSB resolution and are interpreted as 16 bit values in two[[yen]]s complement notation. The value is latched at the low-high edge of the strobe signal. The strobe signal lines for U-IN and V-IN can be tied together by the jumper U048.
Connector: DB37, male
Parallel / Analog Input CTRL-INP:
Data at CTRL-INP control states of the system and are equivalent to the commands given from the serial host interface. Following states can be set:
* servo on/off
* piezo on/off
* compensation on/off
* external control on/off
Data latching occurs with the low-high edge of the strobe signal. The strobe input lines for CTRL-INP, U-IN, V-IN can be tied together internally by the jumper U0140. The latched values can be read as echo at CTRL-OUT.
All control bits are low active. With EXT-CTRL=low the PZT amplifiers are fed with the external analog position values AU-IN and AV-IN (-5 .. +5 Volts).
At external control=on two analog inputs from pin 12,13 are fed to an analog coordinate transformation network to drive the PZT power amplifier direct in open loop for minimum phase delay. This mode is not supported by the digital control capabilities!
Connector: DB25, male
Parallel Outputs U-OUT, V-OUT:
Digital position values transferred during the download process are available at the parallel outputs U-OUT and V-OUT with TTL level.
Valid new position data are indicated by the high pulse on the strobe line with a time delay of 15 us between the U- and the V- position. The values are updated with 100 us cycle time independent of the state of the system.
Connector: DB37, female
Parallel Output AUX-OUT
The system status of the HEXAPOD controller is available at the AUX-OUT line with following bit assingment:
#define HEXAPOD_RUNNING 0x01 /* HEXC status flags */
#define HEXC_BUSY 0x10
#define HEXC_SYSTEM_ERROR 0x80
Connector: DB37, female
Parallel / Analog Output CTRL-OUT:
This output is used for output TTL information regarding MPIC system status information. In addition RET-AUTO-MOVE pulse indicates the start point of internal generated tip-tilt waveforms for testing purposes (sine or chop).
The pins AU-OUT and AV-OUT output the amplified analog sensor values in the range of -10 to +10 Volts ( +/- 50 arcsec is appr. +/- 6.5 Volts).
Connector: DB25, female
Serial data link (RS-422):
10 MBit/s, asynchronous according Transputer Link
Connector: LEMOSA, 16 Pin female
Processing of a command by the HEXC is indicated by the HEXC_BUSY bit of the HEXC_STATUS. A new command for the HEXC should only be given if this bit is reset. Otherwise a COMMAND_ERROR is set.
A HEXC_CMD_ERROR is also created if a new motion command is given while the HEXAPOD or a single axis is still running . In this case the HEXAPOD or single axis should stopped first.
All commands are sent as ASCII characters with line feed (LF, 0x0a) as terminator. Upper- or lower case characters are allowed. Correction of sent characters is not possible and all edit functions have to be performed by the terminal program.
Command name and parameters as well as parameters themselves are separated by spaces. All parameters are optional and are indicated by a leading parameter label. In between that and the parameter itself only an optional sign is allowed.
The HELP command gives you a list of all available commands and optional parameters.
After receiving the terminator character, the command line is parsed regarding
* Length of the line
* Implementation of the command
* Validity of the parameter(s)
* Format of the parameter(s)
The maximal length of the command line is 80 characters.
Errors within the command line are marked and the complete line is disregarded.
Floating point values are internal represented in the TMS320C3x format with 24 bit mantissa and 6 decimal digit of precision.
Command Set
Set of MPIC Controller
The *-marked commands contain MPIC controller specific
Tilting Mirror Commands:
MROT {UV} Rotate TM-UNIT platform absolute around U,V- axis [rad]
MPOS Report TM-UNIT angular position [rad]
MSSR {S} Set or report slew rate for TM-UNIT tip/tilt movement [rad/s]
MPID {PIDGFRLA} Set or report TM-UNIT PID- ,notch filter and lead compensator parameter
MCMP {UV} Set momentum compensation gain factors
MCHP {ABCDT} Set or report chopping angle: Umin,Umax,Vmin,Vmax [rad], delay T [ms]
MSIN {UVF} Set or report sin-wave amplitude U,V [rad], frequency F [Hz]
MCMP {UV} Set momentum compensation gain factors
HEXAPOD Commands:
HMOV {XYZRSTUVW} Move HEXAPOD absolute in X,Y,Z- axis, define the center of rotation at point R,S,T, rotate around U,V,W- axis [mm,rad]
HVEL {V} Set or report HEXAPOD velocity parameter [mm/s]
HREF Initialize HEXAPOD position at reference position
STOP Abort HEXAPOD motion
Auxiliary Motor Commands:
XPOS {nP} Move auxiliary motor to position P [counts], axis #n
XPAR {nVA} Set auxiliary motor motion parameter, axis #n, velocity [counts/T], acceleration [counts/T/T]
XPID {nPIDL} Set auxiliary motor control parameter for axis #n, PID-parameters, integration limit L
System Commands:
SETF {PSCAX} Sets or reports TM-UNIT system control flags for: piezo actuators, servo loop, momentum compensation, auto-move mode (sin, square or chopping), external analog input
STAT* {N} Report MPIC, HEXC, HEXAPOD or axis status
REST* {N} Restart MPIC or HEXC
HELP* Reports list of available commands
The *-marked commands contain HEXAPOD- controller specific informations
Tilting Mirror Commands:
Hexapod Commands:
HMOV{XYZRSTUVW} Move HEXAPOD absolute in X,Y,Z- axis, define center of rotation at point R,S,T, rotate around U,V,W- axis, [mm,rad]
HVEL {V} Set or report HEXAPOD velocity parameter [mm/s]
HREF Initialize HEXAPOD position at reference position
Auxiliary Motor Commands:
XPOS {nP} Move auxiliary motor to position P [counts], axis #n
XPAR {nVA} Set auxiliary motor motion parameter, axis #n, velocity [counts/T], acceleration [counts/T/T]
XPID {nPIDL} Set auxiliary motor control parameter, axis #n, PID-parameter, integration limit
System Commands:
STAT* {N} Report system status
HELP* {L} Reports list of available commands
REST* Restart HEXC
QUIT* Stops communication
MROT {param}[value] Rotate Mirror Absolute
This command tilts the mirror mounting platform of the TM-UNIT to an absolute position around the axes U,V with a resolution of 10 nrad. Internal used angular increments are 10 nrad.
Parameter: U,V
Format: Float
Value: -225e-6 ... +225e-6 ( rad )
Example: MROT U10E-6 V-5.3e-6
Function: Rotates the TM-UNIT platform 10.0 urad in U and -5.3 urad in V direction
MPOS Report Mirror Position
This command causes the MPIC controller to report the commanded and current Tip/Tilt position of the TM-UNIT , detected by the KAMAN sensors. Reported values are read in Ñrad" for the tilting axes U and V.
Format: Float
Result: -225e-6 ... +225e-6 ( rad )
MSSR {param}[value] Set or Report Slew Rate
This command defines the slew rate limit for the TM-UNIT. The maximum allowed value for the parameter S is 0.01 rad/s because of the current limitation of the PZT power amplifiers. If no parameter S is specified, this command reports the actual slew rate setting.
Parameter: S
Format: Float
Value: 0 ... 0.01 ( rad/s )
MPID {param}[value] Set or Report Mirror PID- Filter Parameters
This command defines the PID filter parameter used for the TM-UNIT. Furthermore a parameter G is available, limiting the D-term at high frequencies. In order to attenuate the first mechanical resonance frequency an additional Notch filter algorithm is implemented, which realizes a rejection of R at the frequency of F. If no parameters are specified, this command reports the actual PID- filter settings.
Parameters: P, I, D, G, F, R, L, A
Format: Float
Value: Default values:
P= 0.012
I= 0.000016
D= 0.000002
G= 0.00002
F= 520
R= 0.59
L= 300
A= 2.0
MCHP {param}[value] Set or Report Chopping Parameter
This command defines the parameters for the Chopping mode. The parameters A and B define the Max. and Min. limits of the tilting angle in U direction, parameters C and D in V direction.
The angular units for the parameters are in rad.
The delay time before switching to the opposite angle position is T in ms including the settling time. Parameters become active when the command SETF A1 is issued. If no parameters are specified, this command reports the actual chopping parameter settings.
Parameter: A,B,C,D,T
Format: Float
Value: A=B=C=D -225e-6 ...+225e-6 ( rad )
T ( ms )
Example: MCHP A-7.07e-6 B7.07e-6 C7.07e-6 D17.07e-6 T50
This example defines a square wave function with a frequency of 10 Hz, an amplitude of 10.0 urad and an offset of 10.0 urad in the V-axis. The resulting tilting axis is the diagonal line in the UV plane.
MSIN {param}[value] Set or Report Sine- Wave Parameter
This command sets the sin-wave parameter amplitude U,V in rad, frequency F in Hz for an internal generated test signal. If no parameters are specified, this command reports the actual sine- wave parameter settings.
Parameters: U,V,F
Format: Integer
Value: U=V - 225e-6 ... + 225e-6 ( rad )
F 1.0 ... 2500.0 ( Hz )
Example: MSIN V20.5e-6 F25
defines a sine wave tilt movement around the V- axis with an amplitude of 20.5 urad and 25 Hz.
MCMP {param}[value] Set or Read Momentum Compensation Gain
This command can be used to fine tune the momentum compensation. In case of gain=1, the momentum compensation piezos are driven with identical amplitudes as the mirror actuators. To optimize the performance with the final mirror or to compensate tolerances of piezo expansion a value different from 1 may be required for each individual axis U or V. If no parameters are specified, this command reports the actual compensation gain factor settings.
Parameter: U,V
Format: Float
Value: 0.8 ... 1.2 default = 1
HMOV {param}[value] Move HEXAPOD Absolute
This command is used to move the HEXAPOD system in six axes at the same time by coordinates. Translation axes are X, Y, Z with a resolution of about 1 um. Tilting axes are U, V, W with about 1 arcsec resolution. The pivot point for the tilting axes can be defined as any point ( coordinates R,S,T ) within the X,Y,Z coordinate system. As default the vertex represents the pivot point for angular movements.
The velocities of the linear actuators are calculated and matched for linear path trajectories while moving from position A to position B. All movements are related to the center position defined by the HREF command.
Parameters: X,Y,Z,U,V,W,R,S,T
Format: Float
Value: X,Y = -5.0 ... +5.0 ( mm )
Z = -12 ... +12 ( mm)
U,V,W = -5.236e-2 ... +5.236-2 ( rad ), {3 deg}
default: Vertex position
R,S = 0 ( mm )
T = 55.85 ( mm )
Example: HMOV X1.0 Y-.5 Z10.0 U-1.745e-2
This Example moves the HEXAPOD platform 1 mm in X,- 0.5 mm in Y and 10 mm in Z. Also a tilting of -1[[infinity]] around the U-axis and the vertex is carried out
HVEL {param}[value] Set or Report HEXAPOD Velocity
This command defines the path velocity for the HEXAPOD system. The velocity of a single axis depends on direction of motion and is evaluated from the coordinate transformation. The upper speed limit of about 1 mm/s is determined by the maximum speed of the DC-motors and the gear heads. For the rotation the velocity is determined by the angles U,V,W and the radius RTOP. If no parameter is defined the command reports the actual velocity parameter.
Parameter: V
Format: Float
Value: 0 .... 1.0 , default = 0.5 ( mm/sec )
Example: HVEL V0.6
defines the path velocity of the HEXAPOD system to 0.6 mm/sec
HREF Initialize HEXAPOD to Reference Position
This command is used to move all six HEXAPOD actuators at the same time to its absolute center position. The incremental encoder counters for the DC-motors are reset in the center reference position.
The referencing starts with moving all HEXAPOS axis towards the center position with constant 0.5 mm/s axis velocity and following to the side with all reference signals low. Next the home position will be captured by an edge transition of the reference line from low to high. This is done with constant 0.1 mm/s axis velocity.
By this procedure the maximum time for referencing the HEXAPOD from any extreme position takes less than one minute. After all axis are referenced the commanded axis velocities are restored.
Example: HREF initializes the HEXAPOD
The HREF command must be executed if the system is powered up to ensure safe HEXAPOD operation. No other HEXAPOD motion commands will be accepted until HREF has been executed !
This command stops (decelerated) the movement of the HEXAPOD or one or more motor axes.
Parameter: N
Format: Byte
Value: 0: stops HEXAPOD
1..8: stops single axis
default: N = 0
XPOS {param}[value] Set Auxiliary Motor Position
This command is used to control two additional DC-motors for axis 7 & 8 operation. Incremental encoder quadrature signals are required for position control.
n represents the motor axis number and P contains the target position in counts.
Parameters: n, P
Format: Integer
Values: n = 7,8
P= -2^29 - 1... +2^29 -1 ( counts )
For some service purposes it might be useful to execute movements for each HEXAPOD actuator individually without the coordinate transformation. This results in all six degree of freedom movements.
Parameter: n, P
Format: Integer
Value: n = 1 ... 6
P=-64800...+64800 ( counts ), (13.5 x 4800 counts/ mm )
These options should only be used from experienced engineers while observing the mechanics.
XPAR {param}[value] Set Auxiliary Motor Motion Parameters
This command defines velocity and acceleration for the extra DC-motors with the axis numbers N which are used for axis 7 & 8 operation.
Parameter: N,V,A
Format: Float
Value: N= 7,8
default: V= 30.72 count/T
A= 0.1 counts/T/T
XPID {param}[value] Set Auxiliary Motor Control Parameters
This command defines the PID filter parameters and the integration limits for the extra DC-motors with axis N (SKY SHUTTER). These values are not reported.
Parameter: N,P,I,D,L
Format: Integer
Values: N= 7, 8
P= 100
I= 100
D= 10
L= 1000
STAT* {param}[value] Report System Status
This command reports internal states of the system. All informations are self explaining.
On the MPIC this command reports the MPIC or reflected HEXC status. With parameters N=10 .. 35 this command reports HEXC information by transferring this STAT command to the HEXC controller and receiving data via the downlink. The data are formatted to an ASCII string and transmitted to the host.
All status information about the HEXC are the same requested by the STAT command on the HEXC controller direcly. Due the limited transfer capacity on the downlink the informations are splitted off in several commands with different parameters on the MPIC.
Parameter: N
Format: Byte
Value: N=0: MPIC system status
N=1: HEXC system status
N=2: Voltages of the power supplys and amplifier outputs
N=10: HEXC system values
N=20: Commanded HEXAPOD position
N=21: Commanded pivot point
N=22: Computed leg position
N=23: Computed leg velocity
N=24: Commanded HEXAPOD velocity
N=30: All motor controller status
N=31: Real position of all axis
N=32: Reference readout of all axis
N=33: Current velocity of all axis
N=34: Current acceleration of all axis
N=35: Status flags of all axis
On the HEXC this command reports the system, HEXAPOD or all axis status.
Parameter: N
Format: Byte
Value: N=0: Shows HEXC system status
N=1: Shows HEXAPOD status
N=2: Shows all axis status
default N=0
HELP* {param}[value] HELP
This command generates a list of available commands. Only the controller specific commands are displayed. Additional on the HEXC controller a help level 1..3 can be set for more detailed information what's going on. A help level of zero stops all information output.
Sets help level on the HEXC to zero and stops communication with external terminal.
Restart MPIC or HEXC analog power on. No hardware reset !.
SETF {param}[value] Set or Report Tilting Mirror Control Flags
This command defines the control flags of the TM-UNIT system. If no parameters are defined, the command reports the actual mirror control flags. The following parameters are used:
P (Piezo) P1 or P0 sets all PZTs ON or OFF = Freeze last PZT- Voltage
S (Servo)** S1 = PID closed loop on, S2 = PID closed loop and lead compensator on, S0 = open loop
C (Comp) Enable/Disable momentum compensation. This defines whether the backwards directed PZTs will be activated or not.
A (Auto) Enable/Disable self-executing motion commands sine- wave signal or chopping. See also commands MSIN and MCHP
X (Extern) Enable/Disable external analog inputs to PZT amplifiers
Parameters: P,S,C,A,X
Format: Integer
Values: P,C,A,X: 0=off, 1=on
S : 0 = PID off, 1= PID on, 2 = PID + Lead = on
Example: SETF S1 C1 A1
Enables the closed loop position PID- control and the momentum compensation. Also the chopping or sine- wave mode is enabled with the parameters defined with the MSIN or MCHP command.
Z Motion +/- 12 mm
Angular Motion U/V +/- 0.5 deg
* independent means motion commands can be executed within all of the above limits at any combination at the same time (HEXAPOD leg stroke <=13.5mm). without creating a geometry error.
Range of Travel (dependent*): X/Y Motion +/- 5 mm
Z Motion +- 12 mm
Angular Motion U/V/W +/- 3 deg
* dependent means if not all movement is needed for one or more degree of freedom more travel range is available for specific axes but a geometry error could be created if the requested total leg stroke exceeds +/- 13.5 mm.
Power- Extension Cable
2x LEMOSA- Connector FGA.3B.318.CYCD10ZR, red
PIN/Side A Signal /Function PIN/Side B
1 + 2 +15V / 3A Motor 11+12
3 + 4 -15V / 3A Motor 9+10
5 + 6 GND Motor 7+8
7 +15V Sensor 6
8 -15V Sensor 5
9 GND Sensor 4
10 + 11 + 12 +5V Digital Part 1+2+3
14 + 15 + 17 GND Digital Part 15+17+18
13 + 16 Cable check 13+16
18 NC 14
PZT- Extension Cable
2x LEMOSA- Connector FGG.3B.318.CYCD10ZN,black
PIN/Side A Signal /Function PIN/Side B
1 PZT 1+ 12
2 PZT 1 Sense 11
3 PZT 2+ 10
4 PZT 2 Sense 9
5 PZT 3+ 8
6 PZT 3 Sense 7
7 PZT 4+ 6
8 PZT 4 Sense 5
9 PZT 5+ 4
10 PZT 5 Sense 3
11 PZT 6+ 2
12 PZT 6 Sense 1
13 Cable check 13
14 PZT 1 GND 18
15 PZT 2 GND 17
16 Cable check 16
17 PZT 3 GND 15
Serial Data Link (RS-422)
2x LEMOSA-Connector FGG.1B.310.CYCD72ZN, black
PIN/SideA Signal /Function PIN/SideB
1 reserved
2 AGND 8
3 U-OUT 9
4 AGND 10
5 V-OUT 7