Trouble Shooting the Hexapod Checklist

1. Kill/Restart the hexed

   1.1. login to stefan
   1.2. Become root     
   1.3. Kill the hexed using the kill command, example:

       # ps -ef | grep hexed
            root  4679     1  0 15:24:20 ?        0:28 /usr/local/hexed/hexed
       # kill -9 4679

   1.4. Do another  ps to insure the process is dead.
   1.5. Check communication using the hexegui

2. Made sure the digi is working 

   2.1. Ping the digi port server

       > ping digimim

        If it dose not response:
         2.1.1. Perfrom hard reboot on port server (recycle power).
         2.1.2. Goto Step 1.

3. Recycle power on MPIC