Hexe - TCS3 Hexapod related Docs

Current IRTF Documents - after hexapod was intergrated with TCS3 in 2012

    IRTF-Hexe-Manual (word 2010) or (pdf).

    1203-hexe-leg-issue - In Mar2012, while trying to get the unit to function, we had issue with one of leg.

IRTF Documents from 2002 - when hexapod was used with TCS1.
These documents are obsolete, but are archived here.

    Hexapod Trouble Shooting Checklist.

    HexeGUI - Hexed Graphical User Interface in (word) or (pdf).

    hexeio - simple command IO to hexed.

    Hexepod damon in (word) or (pdf).

    Some hexeapod queries tony's did in 19Aug2002: (020819_command_examples.txt) or (020819_command_examples.html)

Stuff retrieved from Tip-Tilt sparc computer named "mother"

    ms43e100 - Mirror Positioning Unit (Hexapod, TM-Unit, Electronics) documentation. (word) or (pdf) or (html/ TOC)

    ms34eupg - Description of Modifications (word) or (PDF) or (html/ TOC)

    fig 2.1 - MP-UNIT Diagram (tiff) or (jpg)

    fig 6.1 - Coordinate Definition (tiff) or (jpg)

    kaman.pic2 - picture of connector box (jpg) or (tiff)

    kaman.3 - picture of hexapod (jpg) or (tiff)