Notes on testsm

The testsm program is a little program which can exercise the smartmotor at a low level, plus it has built-in high level procedures. Used mostly for testing and debugging of hardware.

1. to run the program:

   Login in to littledogm as spex, chdir, and start program:

      % rlogin littledogm -l spex
      % testsm

   By default it opens the serial device /dev/ttyC0 (rotator). To used the
   grating, give the -d option to specify the device. There is the example:

      % testsm -d /dev/ttyC1
2. Hints:

   Type help to see a list of commands.

   Run the 'init' command to do some initialization.
   type the 's' command to see some status info.
   Use the ma,mr command to move absolute or move relative.
   The lhome, & hhome can home the wheel.
   'SetPos' to initialize the position counter.

   The 'io' command put the program into terminal mode with the motor.
   Enter a blank line to exit.