BitSummary.html - This file contains a
summary clock control signals and their relationship to the bits in a DSP
PatternSummary.html - This file contains
a summary of the pattern filenames and descriptions.
SequenceTables.html - This file summaries
how patterns are sequence together to define an array readout.
2. Programs used to create & view clocking patterns..
For nsfcam/cshell, we used to edit the .pat file directly using a text editor, or the epat graphical editor/viewer can also be used. I found it best to just use a text editor along with dpat+postscript previewer.
Because the 1024x1024 array are more complex, it would be too difficult to just edit .pat (too much information to keep in your head). So we provide a cpat (compile patterns) program to take simple text source (.p files) and build the .pat from them.
See summary of program/utilities below.
cpat - converts .p to .pat files.
epat - graphical viewer/editor for .pat files.
dpat - draw pattern to postscript file.
4. The patterns directories:
./pat - the source directory for files need to create the
clocking pattern files (.pat)
./old - old stuff - save of old data or items no longer needed.
5. General procedures for creating/editing/viewing .pat files.
The .p are the pattern source code. Use a text editor to create/modify these files to define what the clocking patterns will do.The cpat application is used to compile te .p file into .pat files. There is a makefile for the spex patterns. You can do the following:
make - make the .pat file from the .p files.The following are important header files used in the .p source.
make ps - make individual .ps files from the .pat files.
make - make 1 ps file of all the .pat files.
make clean - deletes all the .pat, .ps files.
bdef.p - provide general definition for all .pat.Check the bdef.p files to insure you have the correct defines. The variables ReadDataTicks, FatTicks allow you to customize the patterns to the different BBMODE (S32, D16, S8).
p?X.p - the X are general pattern for the P? series.
Other appliation to help you,
The dpat application is used to make hard copies graphs for the wave form. The dpat program read the .pat files to create .ps (postscript) files which can be printed or viewed (with ghostscript).
The epat is a X program which can read .pat files. The epat is a graphical
editor for .pat files. However, you shouldn't edit the .pat files directly
for spex. (nsfcam used epat to create/modify .pat files manually).
6. Installing the patterns in the camera software
This is the general procedures for installing .pat files into the camera.
1. Goto the ~/src/spex/pat/pat. This is were the source definition of the patterns are stored.
2. Edit .p files to define the how the patterns are defined. Make sure you check the pdef.p files and check these line:
setenv ReadDataTicks=?
setenv FatTicks=?
As they customize the convert/readdata pattern for various hardware configurations.
3. Make the .pat files. Optional: make .ps files.
% make clean
% make
(makes the .pat files).
4. Copier .pat in to the IC applications.
In the camera software, the patterns are stored in the ic/pat/pat directory. These command illustrates the general steps:
% cd ~/dev/ic/pat - This is the pattern directory for the
IC software.
% ./Copy_new - Run script
to copy all source & binaries to ./pat directory.