Using GTK Themes

GTK+ is a graphical user interface library used by the SpeX Applications. One of the cool feature of GTK+ is its support of themes. Themes allows you to customize the color and shape of widget by assigning colors and/or pixmap to GTK application. This can give you a completely new look and feel to you application.

1. Using themes:

Themes are stored in: /usr/local/share/themes
To use a theme, copy the /usr/local/share/themes/THEME_NAME/gtk/gtkrc file to your ~/.gtkrc.

For example, to used the Redmond95 theme,
   cp /usr/local/share/themes/Redmond95/gtk/gtkrc ~/.gtkrc

To stop using theme,
   delete the .gtkrc file or
   cp /usr/local/share/themes/Default/gtk/gtkrc ~/.gtkrc

2. Downloading Themes.

You can also download you own theme from:

1. Download the file from http://Gtk.Themes.Org .

2. Unpack the theme to your home directory or wherever you store your gtk themes. You can do this by typing "tar xzvf theme.tar.gz", replace theme to the theme name of course.

3. Open the gtkrc file with a text editor (vim,emacs,pico,etc..) and insert the following line somewhere near the top of the file.... pixmap_path "/path/to/themename/gtk/"

5. Save the changes to the gtkrc file and then copy the file to your existing .gtkrc file in your home directory. To perform this step, type "cp gtkrc ~/.gtkrc".

6. If you have a theme that doesnt work with the instructions above try adding the following line to your gtkrc as well.... module_path ".:/usr/share/themes/Xenophilia/engine"

3. First install GLib and GTK.

Quick note on how I installed them:

    make distclean
   setenv CFLAG -02; ./configure
   make install

    make distclean
   setenv CFLAG -02; ./configure
   make install

4. Configuring your computer to support Themes

To support themes you will need to have (or install) the following libraries.

I installed these on duke, bigdogm, and guidedogm. There a summary on what I did for each library:
   make test
   make install

   cp scripts/makefile.solaris makefile
   make test
   make install

   ./configure --enable-shared --enable-static
   make test
   make install

   make check
   make install

    make distclean
   make check
   make install