In 03/99, I upgraded GuideDog's OS from 2.51 to 2.6. There are my notes on the steps I took to upgrade the system. 1. Install CPU in VME. Connected the following: Traslation board on Slot 1 P2 connector. SCSI: 1 GB Disk, CD-ROM reader Misc: keyboard, mouse, monitor, ethernet 2. Changes in OBS enviroment: boot-device = disk3 (our SCSI disk is SCSI ID 3). auto-boot? = true 3. a. Install solaris from 2.6 CD-ROM. c. Partition disk as follows for sparc 5/64(1GB): s0 root 96MB s1 swap 64MB s6 /usr 527MB s7 /aux 322MB 4. After Installation: a. edit /etc/defaults/login to allow root logins. b. Setup accounts: droot, denault, bigdog, guidedog, aladdin .rhosts c. fix disk organizations: 1. move /opt /aux/opt: cd / tar cf - opt | ( cd /aux ; tar xvf - ) /bin/rm -R opt ln -s /aux/opt 2. standard links: run ~/network/notes/bayley_nis_script/aux_setup_script d. Install OS patches. e. Install software: acroread, gcc, gdb, ghostscript, ghostview, gnuplot, gzip, nedit, nenscript, olvwm, sendmail, tcsh, xntpd, xv ntp: edit /etc/inet/ntp.conf to configure. THEMISvme drivers: /opt/THEMISvme. needs /dev/vmedma0 installed. Motif Xmt library. Motif xg library ads DSP compilers & assemblers. ixthos tool sharc device driver - /dev/sharc0 f. other configurations: automounts /etc/system - bigshared memory for local display. set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=5242880 Set default screen resolution: run the following command as root: # eeprom output-device=screen:r1280x1024x76 then reboot. Alternatively, halt the machine and type ok setenv output-device screen:r1280x1024x76 add irtf printer irlabpr.