Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 10:59:42 -1000 (HST) From: John Rayner To:,,,,,,,,, Vern and Ray are working on the GT trying to understand exactly what is moving. There are several possible simple fixes which we can try over the next day or two. Doug Neil and Vern have suggested extending the GT axial all the way to the cover plate. This separates the bearings and seems to me to be the best way of fixing the flexure. This redesign and fabrication will take about two weeks assumming there are no show stoppers fitting it into the space available. With your input I'll decide whether to pursue this once the simple fixes are tried. I don't plan on a cooldown until we have a solution which works warm. The science grade 1024x1024 will arrive in the next few days. Once it is here we need to mount it in the spectrograph mount for cold testing in the lab test dewar. This will mean using another mount in the spectrograph to continue flexure testing with the mux. Peter says we have a spare we can use. This allows us to do these tests in parallel. Peter will figure out the best way to use the readout electronics but it might mean swapping things between the cryostat and lab test dewar. Before removing the mux from the spectrograph mount we must measure the position of the mux in the mount very carefully so that we know exactly how to position the science array/mount relative to the optical beam. Peter/array, Vern/mount and John/optics will need to co-ordinate. The cal box fabrication is almost complete. Greg is assembling and pinning the mounts. I'll let Darryl know when he should come across and start work on installing the lamps and power supplies. Over the next week or so Greg will be variously occupied with taking things in and out of the cryostat (GT, guider filter wheel, spectrograph detector mount). He's also working on a plan for shipping SpeX. The bottom line is that by using the spare mount in the spectrograph we can make progress on the science array testing in parallel with fixing the GT. Please think about the implications of this and let me know if there are other things we can do to maintain a schedule for shipping about April 1. This includes mountain issues (MIM mount, counter- weights, cooler plumbing, chiller etc.). Thanks, John