ChangeLog 2004-2008
Add guidebox adjust botton to guidedog, like moris (rayner email Mar25-2012)
On logout, move the dichroc to the open position (rayner email Mar23-2012)
Feb 2014 - spex was brought down to hilo for its upgrade using IARC controller,
linux OS, new littledog hardware. The v1402 was to modify/recompile
spex so it runs on Hilodog. Still need to run XUI for motor controller,
but need to take bigdog and guidedog SPARC offline.
This version was only used on Hilodog in the bigdog/guidedog local accounts.
Removed the opto22 directory (this was tcs, don't know why it was in spex/ ).
Moved the spex code from ~denault/src/spex to ~spex/src/spex.
Removed TCS1 stuff;
Fixed FITS TCS_ per data archiving documents.
Add PROG_ID input on login; and XUI; move observer from 'setup' to 'obs' tab.
Installed guidedog on 9/9.
Installed bigdog on 9/10.
Spextool needed old "TCS" header. Duplicated old TCS headers for spextool.
Found bug '-' not showing in sec2timeStr() ir1 lib, replaced with spex_sec2timeStr().
Installed bigdog and guidedog on 9/11.
Archived spex/ to spex.1303/ on Aug 26 (archived before moving
code from ~denault to ~spex, and FIT data archive support, PROG_ID, etc..);
2011.09.01 -
+ add logout scrpt in macro directory. XUI runs this at logout.
+ added guidebox buttons to spex's guider, can adjust guidebox during guiding.
+ Adjusted guest account login menu. irtf now supports 40 guest accounts.
111208 changes (only affect XUI)
+ More data in FITS header. Focus, temperature, etc.
+ Per Rayner email 12/5/2011:
Add 'Run Flush Macro' on basic panel for bigdog.
Modify Flush macro to: 1 sec, 1 coadd, 3 cycles.
+ Fix engineeing password issue reported by lars (can't enter password).
110825 - Archived v0809/ sources, start new version directory.
+ tweek flux is low logic to address false positive error messages.
+ recompiled on 2011/09/01
2011.08.25 -
+ Added ldog_query code for moris.
+ guiding now show guidebox signal level as a percent of 1st image, and warns TO
when 'guidebox signal is low'. Low, means when the count levels is reduced by 50%.
+ Added MJD_OBS to FITS header. MJD calculated using DATE_OBS+TIME_OBS.
+ installed version spex.0809 on 110825.
2011.06.21 - added moris support, ie: cmd.moris
2010.10.25 - Added "query.path.filename" command per m.chushing 20oct email.
2010.10.08 - changes requested by rayner:
- xui: add warning on guidedog when slit is OPEN.
- xui: reset macro parameters (path, etc) on logout.
2010.07 -
07.16 - troublelog reports crash with TakeSky/Fullimage and
autosave is ON. - Fixed bug in go_slowguide_takesky_fullimage.
- Remove the infamous 'Fast Guide' widget from the GUI.
2010.04.26 -
+ per rayner email 04/23
new guidedog zero points
J-> 20.57
H-> 20.68
K-> 20.11
21.15, /* J */
21.24, /* H */
20.57, /* K */
Guidedog slowcounts -> 20 was 12 - change in .guidedoginit file.
min itime is now 0.34 (was 0.24).
Bigdog Beam DTime -> 5.0 was 2.0 (guider still 2.0).
+ to request dv2 setup no change during login.
2010.02.10 -
Changes to XUI logout. Runs the set_ownership_readonly script in an
xterm that is display in the screen os the user have an ideal something
is running. /usr/local/bin/set_ownership_readonly also changed.
2010.01.06 -
Added reset.parameter command to be done on login to setup most parameters
back to their startup default values. Installed on Jan 8, 2010.
2009.10.12 -
Added to spex to allow adjusting the pointing map rates.
2009.03.03 -
Increse guide sleep default to 1 sec. (minimum value changed from 0.25 to 0.50 sec).
Change guidedog's 'too small' tcs3 correction from 0.1 to 0.01.
2009.02.02 - added guider.warning to catch telescope jumps while guiding.
2009.01.20 - Changes to version, v0809
guidemethod_selection[] "Very Faint" to "Very_Faint". - fixed.
2008.11.24 - Changes to version, v0809
1. Change GFLT name 11 from: CO (2-0 bh) 2.292 1.5%
to: CO (2-0 bh) 2.292 1.5% + ND 2.0
Short name: CO to CO+ND2.
2. Centroid+Test is now:
take image()
apply smooth2().
apply filter2()
2008.10.20 - Changes to version, v0809
+ modified smooth()
replace each pixel with mean(3x3).
to smooth2():
take 3x3 grid for each pixel.
find median and std
ignore values > (median+1std)
replace pixel with mean(remain_pixels_in_3x3).
2008.10.06 - Installed new version, v0809, on Oct 2008, Changes include:
1. showguidebox setup in both A & C buffer in case the observes
need to offset in DV using the subtracted image.
(request by rayner 11Sept08)
2. Guidedog generating NaN NaN guiding correction to tcs, need to fix.
17Sept TCS3 runaway was traced to guidedog sending 'NaN' in Pt.Peak.Inc command.
3. Guiding fixes
'Div_Flat' enable the division by a flat image. Flats are
available for these GFlt: J, H, K, H+K
Works on all guide methods.
SubAB work differently...For all methods.
If checked, the A image will be modified by A = A - 'TakeSky'.
Previously we only subtracted the data in the GuideBox (image D).
A new Method, Centroid+flt3:
1. medium is the medium of image A (after flat and subB).
2. Get GuideBox subarray, set bad pixel to 0.
3. D = ( D - medium(A) ) / stddev(D).
4. Centroid.
4. New Loging and Setting ownership for data.
Script installed to do the change ownership:
Set chown permission to allow spex to run the command:
chmod u+s /bin/chmod
2008.06.05 - John emailed denault with new Grating turrent positions.
from: = { 75, 312550, 311350, 310850, 178790, 179625, 605080, 475480 }
to: = { 719950, 312700, 311450, 311000, 178900, 179675, 604990, 475450 }
2008.04.08 - changed littledog's grat_init, grat_pos by increasing position error window,
and some sleep time (allow motor to settle). Grating is measuring higher torque resulting
in problems with positioning.
2008.04.02 - Rayner requested change in grating position
Grat2pos[] changed
from: = { 75, 312600, 311350, 310850, 178790, 179625 605080, 475480 }
to: = { 75, 312550, 311350, 310850, 178790, 179625, 605080, 475480 }
2008.02.25 - Rayner determine new grating position:
Grat2pos[] changed
from: = { 719850, 312425, 311125, 310550, 178450, 179350, 604700, 475100 }
to: = { 75, 312600, 311350, 310850, 178790, 179625 605080, 475480 }
Also chage guidebox positions:
Slit New box positions Box size
------- ----------------- -----------
0.3x 15 A 232 219 same
B 232 282 same
0.5x15 A 228 219 same
B 228 282 same
0.8x15 A 229 223 same
B 229 286 same
1.6x15 A 230 221 32x32
B 230 284 32x32
3.0x15 same same
0.3x60 A 230 221 same
B 230 284 same
0.5x60 same same
0.8x60 A 226 221 same
B 226 284 same
1.6x60 same same
3.0x50 same same
Version changed to 08.02 - installed on 25Feb2008.
2008.02.19 - Spex was warmed up and the grating was fixed:
+ changes to sm_help.c
- power_on(): change error level from 60 to 25
- check_pos(): changed error level from 70 to 10
- move_rel() changed sleep from 1.0 to 0.1 sec.
2008.01.30 - removed tcs3 SM request from get_tcs3_info().
recompiled spex on 02/14/08
no version change (still 2007.10).
2007.11.13 - Some grat_init problems at night:
changed sm_move_rel() sleep from 0.5 to 1.0 sec in sm_help.c
changed sm_check_position() errro value from 25 to 50 in sm_help.c.
no version change (2007.10).
2007.10.22 - Upgraded bigdog & guidedog to version 07.10:
Changes requestion by rayner.
DIT&GFLT menu name changes from:
#define DIT_DESC00 "0. tbd (currently open)"
#define GFLT_DESC08 " 8. H2 v=1-0 s(1) 2.122 1.5% - Cross with blocker in OSF "
#define GFLT_DESC11 "11. CO (2-0bh) 2.294 1.5% - Cross with blocker in OSF "
#define GFLT_DESC14 "14. Blank"
#define DIT_DESC00 "0. Pupil Viewer"
#define GFLT_DESC08 " 8. H2 v=1-0 s(1) 2.122 1.5% "
#define GFLT_DESC11 "11. CO (2-0bh) 2.294 1.5% "
#define GFLT_DESC14 "14. PK_50 - Pass < 2.5 um"
Also improved the guidebox command:
if BEAMA, also setup beamB box to the default 0,7.53 AS offset.
Set the TCS beamswitch command to setup the offsets.
2007.09.04 - changed gflt_zeropoint values per J.Rayner's email 1Sept2007:
just recompiled, no version change.
old new
J 21.65 21.15
H 21.88 21.24
K 21.82 20.57
L' 0.0 19.12
2007.08.2: some grat_pos problems:
changed sm_move_rel() added 0.5 sleep after move, before RP.
changed sm_check_position() error value from 10 to 25 in sm_help.c.
2007.06.07 - changed slit some AutoGuideboxSetup positions per J.Rayner.
recompiled, no version change.
see: 070707.rayner_email.txt
2007.01.12 - Upgraded bigdog & guidedog to version 07.02.
Added mean_Image check box on basic mode.
When mean_Image is ON, then for a GO we will
display the (sum_of(A-B)/cycles) for the cycle
in DV's D buffer.
Also changed the .dv-init so that DV display
buffer D in ImageWindow 3.
2007.01.12 - Another bigdog disk failure. TO were able to use
the spare disk on planck. Will use #5 for new guidedog disk.
2007.01 - Spex Spare SCIS Disk
Spend some time testing 7 scis disk for a spex spare.
Found 2 good disk and setup on-line spares on planck.
4 disk are to be stored in the Spex cabinet at the Summit.
These are 68-pin SCSI disk.
see: 070112.disk_test.txt
July 2006
New Version v2006.07 installed on July 7, 2006 (replacing spex.0602/);
+ replace littledog dog program 'rpc3monitor' with 'hotdog_cntl'
has the option to used rpc3_telent, or rpc3_parallel, or sim.
Recompiled & installed all littledog programs.
+ Install latest copies of ir1lib, t3io, and DV on the SPARCs.
+ Allow spex user to mount on hilodog, bigdog, and guidedog
+ Replaced ic's tcscom {off|on} & tcssim {off|on} with
tcssystem {off|sim|tcs1|tcs3}
+ Did a /irtf.backup on littledog, bigdog, and guidedog.
Feb 2006
changed the ParameterSave/ParameterRestore to it
restore all guidedog mechanism for guidedog.
+ added dit_menu, rot_angle, slit_menu,
and gflt_menu to Save/Restore.
Dec 2005
Guider filter wheel:
From "1. (na)Z 0.95 - 1.11 um" to "1. Z 0.95 - 1.11 um"
From "12. (na)H+K notch" to "12. H+K notch"
Removed the (na) from the names. Filter added to wheel, replacing
Recompiled/installed on 12/12 - version set to "v2005.12".
January 2004
Changes to Gflt2pos:
#if MAIN
= { 719750, 312400, 311150, 310600, 178150, 179350, 604700, 475100 }
Old values:
= { 719750, 312500, 311300, 310600, 178150, 179350, 604700, 475100 }
See rayner's email: 040112_rayner.txt
Recompiled on 1/12 - no version changes (still "v2003.06");
Feb 2004
Changed IP/hostname of RPC from hotdog2(power5) to hotdog.
Recompiled spex to reflect change.
Recompiled on 02/03 - no version changes (still "v2003.06");