ChangeLog 1998

Notes from 98.08.05 lab test. To determine the effectiveness of using the
hardware based interrupt time for a sleep function in the DSP. A longer term
function is need, as delay(usec,rep), however actual performs its sleep
by could instruction cycle and will block. timer_delay() allow us to
break out of the sleep in the DSP clock program. See notes
in details/980105.DSPTimerTest.txt

Dec 98:
Not much new development.
Worked on purchasing UltraSparc for BigDog.
Modified DMA in themis_dma_dsp2host() to support D64 transfers. Rate
went from ~6.6MB/s to 17.8MB/s.

Oct 98:
Add Tpro functions into IC/dsp code.
Established separate bigdog & guidedog account.
Installed 98.10 version:

Sept 98:
IC work:
   implmented camera mode concept.
   Add GuideDog slowGuide camera mode as simulating mode.
Significant XUI changes:
   support for sub-form for different cammode on obs frame.
   Added sim, basic, slowguide sub-forms.
ldisplay supports displaying of guide array/correction.
fixed ldisplay signal/deadlock bug.
macro edit button calls editor.

Aug 98
Installed 98.9 version:
Combined XUI & Macro program. Signification GUI changes.
Added support for  guideDog function into IC code.
New clocking Patterns with improved MUX addressing( FML P3 ).
BigDog configured and tested with duel DSP configurations.
ResetCE & ResetFiFo commands implemented.

July 98
- Started on BBMODE_S8
- Completed initial version of ldisplay - local display for DogIC's.
- Started learing IDL
- Made misc improvements to motif GUI programs.

June 98

  - Replacement for GuideDog send from themis. Rebuild guidedog with
    new CPU, VME rack and internal disk.
  - Tested and debugged D16 Mode with Peter O. It works. Did alot of testing
    to imporve the speed. Conclussion:
       + Settled on 2 ws on ixi - acquiring is unstable with 1 ws.
       + Settled for 125ns period for slowcnt = 1. Unknown error (missing converts)
         when using 100ns period with 2 ws.
       + modified arc clock to increase speed to seconds. Settletick is 3.
       + this gave us better than .1 (10Hz).

   - Started on LocalDisplay program for BigDog. This software provide
     a very basic local images display for the camera.

May 98
 - GuideDog's CPU failed. Returned to themis for repair.
 - Borrowed an system from Mauna Kea Infrared and install/configured it
   with all development tools and software need to run the spex array software.
   This allow us to continue development until guidedog is fixed.
 - Trying to learn Qt and C++.
 - Started testing/debugging initial D16  BBMODE support code.

Apr 98
 - GuideDog was finally returned by the IRCS project. I needed to reconfigure
   it some guidedog matched BigDog's setup. Cleanup the file system
   arrangement on both.
 - Upgrade to ixztool 4.2.
 - Started work in BBMODE support. Trying to add D16 mode along with  S32 (the
   orginial mode).
 - Looking into Qt Library to write GUI stuff as a replacement to Motif.
 - Purchase of DSP broad for BigDog's 2nd DSP done.