iaa is the hilo lab computer, initialize development started on iaa. iaa ran
centos 6.5, and it dual boot a i386 and x86_64 version of centos 6.5. This file
contains note on smokey related to iaa.

1. Install xawtv

xawtv is a simple video capture/streamer application. It is part of the EPEL repository.
Installed on iaa by:

   yum install xawtv

2. Install Osprey-100 video board

Getting the Osprey-100 going with with xawtv was simple:

   Install osprey-100  PCI card in PC.
	Attach camera (smokey's input is Composition0 - this is fathest away fromthe S-Video input).
	run xawtv, set to NTSC.