1. I make a straight-through RJ-45 Jack to DB-9 Male connect.
Item used:

   Port Server (RJ-45 Jack)
   RJ-45 straight-through cable (plug to plug)
   RJ-45 Jack / DB-9 Male connnector.

This is how I made the connector:

 RJ-45 Plug    DB-9 Male
 ------------ ------------
    1 n/a
    2 blue     6 DSR
    3 orange   7 RTS
    4 black    n/a
    5 red      3 TxD
    6 green    2 RxD
    7 yellow   5 sGnd
    8 brown    8 CTS
    9 white    4 DTR
   10 n/a

This cable connects the digi port with the following devices/connector:

   Animatics motor/DB-9 female serial port. (Tx,Rx,RTS,CTS required)
	New Port ESP300 Motion Controller/Driver. (Tx,Rx,RTS,CTS required)

2. The ESP300 had alot of trouble with it serial communication.
   On 7/19/2002 it cabling was changed to:

       10 pin          9-pin
       RJ-45           DB-9

        1 No pin
        2 N/C
        3 RTS---------- 7                                                                       
        4 N/C
        5 TxD---------- 3
        6 Rxd---------- 2
        7 SigGnd------- 5
        8 CTS---------- 8
        9 N/C
        10 No pin

   This fixed the serial-port-kill-the-POM-controller problem.

3. The animatics motor only requires a 3 wire cable. This should work: 

       10 pin          9-pin
       RJ-45           DB-9

        1 No pin
        2 N/C
        3 N/C                                                              
        4 N/C
        5 TxD---------- 3
        6 Rxd---------- 2
        7 SigGnd------- 5
        8 N/C
        9 N/C
        10 No pin