Abstract should not be more than one page, including pictures. It should include a title, the name of the author(s) and his/her (their) affiliation in bold font, and text in normal font. Please submit your abstracts to, in standard LaTeX form, without any "personal" style fonts, or using the template form you may find in our web page.
If you have trouble with that, please send your file as a plain text and we will take care of setting it into the suitable format.
Further instructions added April 10, 2007:
Authors are kindly requested to use the LaTeX template "CD07_abs-mysurname.tex" in the preparation of their abstract. This template can be downloaded by clicking here.
To submit your abstract, please:
1) Check that the file you are submitting compiles successfully
under LaTeX, and that the output fits onto one page.
2) Call your file "CD07_abs-SURNAME.tex", substituting "SURNAME" with
the surname (last name) of the lead author.
3) Send the file to, indicating
"CD07 abstract" in the subject line.
If you are not familiar with LaTeX, please submit your abstract as a simple text file, including the abstract title, list of authors, corresponding affiliations, and a short text. The abstract should be limited to about 400 words (200 words if you include a picture). Pictures should be sent as a separate attachment in .eps format.
Abstract deadline: April 26, 2007.