
iarc server [OPTION]

   -q      - quite mode. UNUSED OPTION?

   -n int  - sets NDR variable. default is 1.

   -c int  - sets coads variable. default is 1.

   -v source_file - sets source file. UNUSED OPTION?

   -l logfile  - sets logfile. LOGGING NOT OPERATIONAL?

   -i basefilename - by default is iarc runs in server mode. -i sets iarc to
                    run as a command line program. the string 'basefilename'
                    is used as the base filename when saving data.

   -r int  - set a repeat value used using command line mode (-i).

   -d      - a debug mode option. UNUSED OPTION??

   -p dsp_file  - Does init_controler at start up the provide dsp_file.
	               Default is off.

   -h          - print help and exits.

	-i          - turn off server mode, runs as command line programe.


   set controller state from READY to BUSY. Unimplemented function?

   set controller state from READY to BUSY. Unimplemented function?

bias N
   set bias, gain, video board offsets, legal values for N are:
     _N_  ________NAME_______  _Video_bd___  __DSUB___  _GAIN_
      0   low bias, high gain.  DAC = 925.    0.312 v    HIGH
      1   low bias, low  gain.  DAC = 890.    0.400 v    LOW
      2   mid bias, low  gain.  DAC = 890.    0.500 v    LOW
      3   hig bias, low  gain.  DAC = 890.    0.600 v    LOW

    1. Set all the vidoe board DAC ( SVO command to all 4 brd x 8 DAC).
    2. Biase N values is arg to  pArcDev->Command( TIM_ID, SBS, N).
       This set the DSUB voltages on the ANU board.
    3. iarc_setup.ndatin_flag set to LOW or HIGH
       LOW  does GNL command. Set x1 gain on Video Boards
       HIGH does GNH command. Set x4 gain on Video Boards
    QUESTION: Doesn't match nsfcam's documentation.


fits -t type -n name -v value -c comment

   Add a card to iarc fits cards.

   type is:
   name    is the FITS keywork.
   value   is the FITS values.
   comment is the FITS comment.


   call ic_readout() to start an imaging sequence from the controller.
   The has extensive arguments to control the GO.
      go -f 130528019 -n 1 -r 1 --itime_ndrs 0 -c 1 -m SINGLE -p 3
         -x 0 -y 0 -w 2048 -h 2048
         --dven on --dvhn localhost --dvp 30123

   Readout options

   -r ndr_count N   - how many time to readout an array.
   --itime_ndrs N   - itime time express are ndr readouts
   -c N             - coadd value. ? to ?.
   -m mode          - supported modes are "SINGLE", "DOUBLE", "RAMP", "RAW".
   -p pixel_time N  - N can be 3, 5, 10 for 3usec, 5usec, 10usec per pixels
                        3 usec/pixel =  300kHz  = 0.43 sec_readout
                        5 usec/pixel =  200kHz  = 0.86 sec_readout
                       10 usec/pixel =  100kHz  = 1.31 sec_readout
   -x N - subarray X. default 0.
   -y N - subarray Y. default 0.
   -w N - subarray width. default 2048.
   -h N - subarray height default 2048

   File save options
   -f filename      - filename base.
   -n filenum       - filename number.    (NOT REALLY USED - REMOVE THE -n OPTION?)
   --path str       - filesave path. Default to ? /scrs1/nsfcam or /home/s2?

   --save  {0|1}     - set n_save_flag.
                       If TRUE  save the data to disk.
                       If FALSE save to and sends to DV.

   DV options
   --dven  str - "on" enable dv, else it is disabled.
   --dvhn  str - dv hostname. default
   --dvp   num - dv portnumber
   --dvbuf str - dv buffer. Sets iarc_setup.str_dvbuf. Use 'A', 'B', ..., 'H' for values.
   --subab str - "on" to enable, "off" disable. Sets iarc_setup.n_subaben
   --dvinv num - T or F. NOP.
   --dvrot num - will issue 'rotation' command to dv.

   Awaiting Further Info
   -s save_flag    - Set save_all_flag variable to 1.
                     value is passed to ic_readout(), but not used.
   --beam          - nop.

   There are more options, but not document here yet.

init -f filename

 calls init_controller( filename ) whic:
    1. loads the DSP .lod filename into the controller.
    2. Does a PON (Power ON) command to the controller.


   loads some instrument specific data into iarc_server. Used to FITS headers.
   Details not documented here.


   not implemented

offset n_board n_dac n_value

   Uses controller command SVO to SET_VIDEO_OFFSET. Video offset are
   DAC on the Video Board input channel.

     n_board = 0 to 3 (4 board system)
     n_dac   = 0 to 7 (each board has 8 channels)
     n_value = 0 to 4095. (output for the DAC).

  if ( n_board < 0 and n_dac < 0 ) then value are applied to n_board 0-4, n_dac 0-7.


   Issue VOF, VOLTAGES_OFF (on h2rg turns off VRST, VDSUB, VBG, VBP, VDDA).
   waits 30 seconds


   set iarc_server state  to ready. why?


   echo's the controller back to the caller.


   Does pArcDev->StopContinuous() to stop the controller readout.


   Inputs some TCS data into iarc for FITS headers.


   not implement yet?