Date:    0ct 17, 2013
Subject: Spex (sparc,ixthos) dsp timing and slow counts, and pixel rates

1. guidedog

Table of slowcnt, pixel_reate, and Frame_rate....

slowcnt   Clock_nsec    clock_between  pixel_rate   Frame_rate
                          samples         usec         msec
 fastmd     125             15            1.875        65.495
  3         225             15            3.375       117.882
  4         250             15            3.750       130.952
  5         275             15            4.125       144.022
 10         400             15            6.000       209.369
 20         650             15            9.750       340.064


Slowcnt is a user parameter to slow down the clocking of the waveforms.
The default for guidedog and bigdog are 20 (as of oct 17, 2013).

Clock_nsec = 150 + slow_cnt*25

Clock_between_sample = there are 15 clocks between each 8 channel convert/sample.

Pixel_rate_usec  = clock_nsec x 15 

Frame_rate_msec in the table is measured from guidedog.
Frame_rate_msec (est) =  pixel_rate * 512row * (512col/8ch) * 1.0644(add 6.44% overhead ) * 0.001(usec2msec)
                         pixel_rate * 512 * 64 * 1.0644  * 0.001

2. bigdog

Bigdog is similar except that there are 23 clocks between sample (vs 15 for guidedog).
For Bigdog, I only measured 05, 10, and 20 slow counts.

slowcnt   Clock_nsec    clock_between  pixel_rate   Frame_rate
                          samples         usec         msec
  5         275             23            6.325       216.955
 10         400             23            9.200       315.454
 20         650             23           14.950       512.452

Frame_rame is meaused from bigdog.
me_rate_msec (est) =  pixel_rate * 512row * (512col/8ch) * 1.0644(add 4.6% overhead ) * 0.001(usec2msec)
                      pixel_rate * 512 * 64 * 1.046   * 0.001


Saved some FITS files and DSPTiming files for Guidedog, Bigdog here 
in bigdog_data_timing/ and guidedog_data_timing/.