index.php This is a replacement for the CGI Form on the centos6 irtfweb system. Ported to irtfweb (RockyLinux 8) in Jan 2023. nsfcam_timecalc The nsfcam_timecalc is a fortran binary called by this web form to calculate the output. The src/nsfcam_timecalc.for was copied from /cgi-bin/nsfcam/src/nsfcam_timecalc.for. To compile the fortran binary: To recompile on RockyLinux8 using gfortran: dnf install gcc-gfortran # to install fortran gfortran -ffixed-line-length-none -o nsfcam_timecalc nsfcam_timecalc.for Here is a sample run on the command line with Test values: Magnitude: 12.0 S/N Ratio: 10 Coadds: 1 Exposures: 1 Plate Scale: 0.148 Seeing (FWHM): 0.7 Aperture Radius: 1 ./nsfcam_timecalc 12.0 10 1 1 0.148 0.7 1 /dev/null Band Exp Time Seeing Aperture Source Peak Pixel Background (sec) (asec) Fraction (DN/coadd) (DN/coadd) (DN/pix/coadd) ---- -------- ------ -------- ---------- ----------- --------------- J_MK 0.06 0.784 0.989 766.52 24.69 0.73 H_MK 0.07 0.743 0.993 769.51 29.74 3.12 Kp_MK 0.13 0.705 0.996 770.39 33.31 3.82 K_MK 0.14 0.700 0.996 770.15 33.48 3.64 L 4.97 0.666 0.998 12108.26 77080.44 76564.13 saturated Lp_MK 16.69 0.663 0.998 33243.12 579099.69 577669.19 saturated Mp_MK 2407.39 0.649 0.999 686979.81 ********* ********* saturated M 4320.13 0.647 0.999 ********* ********* ********* saturated