DM resonance data for Nov 25, 2003 - Removed iris from in front of the DM to reduce rattleing and possibly change resonance characteristics - Path length from DM to wall is 588" (14.9m) - All was done by exercizing channel #1, which moves the spot horizonatally Diven at 3Vpp Frequency Spot Size (mm) 200 25.4 x 23.8 250 27.0 x 23.0 edges fuzzy 300 28.6 x 22.2 325 31.8 x 22.2 350 34.9 x 22.2 nasty rattleing sound Diven at 1Vpp Frequency Spot Size (mm) 350 23.8 x 23.8 spot details clear and sharp 375 25.4 x 23.0 400 30.2 x 22.2 spot details fuzzy, very loud rattleing sound 425 30.2 x 22.2 spot details fuzzy, very loud rattleing sound 450 28.5 x 22.2 475 27.0 x 23.0 less noise, just humming, sharp spot details 500 25.4 x 23.0 nearly round spot, sharp details 550 25.4 x 22.2 600 23.8 x 23.8 spot a little sharper than at 500Hz 750 25.4 x 21.4 sound more of a buzz than a humm 800 28.6 x 20.6 elongated, spot details fuzzy 825 30.2 x 20.6 850 25.4 x 22.2 900 31.8 x 22.2 950 34.9 x 21.4 1000 tried it, but it sounded like it was about to self destruct The large spot size dimension is along the long axis of the spot, regardless of the tilt of the spot's long axis Diven at 1Vpp Frequency Elongation (long/short) 350 1.000 375 1.104 400 1.360 425 1.360 450 1.284 475 1.174 500 1.104 550 1.144 600 1.000 700 1.000 750 1.187 800 1.388 825 1.466 850 1.144 900 1.432 950 1.631 1000 Diven at 3Vpp Angles measured relative to bubble level Frequency Spot Elongation Angle (degrees) 200 -- 250 27 300 -- 325 32 350 37 Diven at 1Vpp Angles measured relative to bubble level Frequency Spot Elongation Angle 350 ---- 375 37 400 62 425 73 450 84 475 92 500 --- 550 --- 600 --- 700 --- 750 118 800 130 825 140 850 --- 900 115 950 122 1000 frequency = [350, 375, 400, 425, 450, 475, 500, 550, 600, 700, 750, 800, 825, 850, 900, 950] elongation = [1.000, 1.104, 1.360, 1.360, 1.284, 1.174, 1.104, 1.144, 1.000, 1.000, 1.187, 1.388, 1.466, 1.144, 1.432, 1.631] angle = [0, 37, 62, 73, 84, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0, 118, 130, 140, 0, 115, 122] plot, frequency, elongation, Xrange=[325, 975], Yrange=[0.9, 1.7], Xstyle=1, Ystyle=1, Title = 'DM test: Elongation vs. Frequency @ 1Vpp', Xtitle='Frequency (Hz)', Ytitle ='Elongation (long/short)' plot, frequency, angle, Xrange=[325, 975], Yrange=[0.0, 150], Xstyle=1, Ystyle=1, Title = 'DM test: Spot angle vs. Frequency @ 1Vpp', Xtitle='Frequency (Hz)', Ytitle ='Angle (degrees)' $ The two plots overlaid set_plot, 'ps' Device, filename='', Xoffset=0, Yoffset=0, Xsize=7.0, Ysize=7.0, /Inches plot, frequency, elongation, Xrange=[325, 975], Yrange=[0.9, 1.7], Xstyle=1, Ystyle=8, Title = 'DM test: Elongation & Angle vs. Frequency @ 1Vpp', Xtitle='Frequency (Hz)', Ytitle ='Elongation (long/short)', position = [0.15, 0.15, 0.85, 0.95] Axis, Yaxis=1, Yrange=[0.0, 150], /Save, Ytitle ='Angle (degrees)' Oplot, frequency, angle, Psym=6 device, /close ; closes device set_plot, 'x' ; makes it so that the plot goes to the screen again