1. Issue With the window Solis program, I get images with a mean value of 400 counts. Using the linxu SDK, I take a image and get about 100 counts (mean value). What is going on? What parameter am I not setting to duplicate the solis image. I'm doing a very simple setup: shutter closed ReadMode = 4 (image) SetAcquisitionMode = 2 (accumulate) 1 Accumulation. Internal trigger 16bits, 1MHz, conventional A/D, gain =x1 Vertical SS = 4 (3.3usec). We have a: Camera Serial No: 3020 head_model: DU897_BV CardModel: CCI-22 GetDetector: 512x512 Solis Boot into window XP Run Solis Take an image... mean value is 400 counts. Here is the Andor config file after exiting the program: AndorSolis.cfg Here is a screen shot of the Setup Acquisition: Setup_Acquistion.png Here is the resulting fits image: solis_0001.fits Linux Run my program to take an image with the same parameters. My FITS image has a mean of 100 counts. My code: diag.c At line 822, do_g1() does the acquisition. Just calling LinuxSDK with fixed inputs. The same thing happend if I reboot/run the examples/console/generic/ program. Make 2 modification to the program: 1. Change AcqMode=2 (Accumulation) 2. After Image acquisition, I calculate and display the mean, min, and max pixels values. Here is the output (note the mean value): My code: generic.txt 02May2011 A reply from Phillip Knight from andor.com 110502-pknight.email.txt I took this image using the Solis Window: solis_0002.sif - image file solis_0002.txt - parameters from "i" icon. took an image using linux SDK: linux_0001.sif - image file linux_0001.txt - created file using solis "i" icon. Looking at the 2 .txt file, it seem solar BaseLineClamp is OFF, and Linux is ON. Turning it OFF in linux, give us a mean value of 404. (Yeaaah!) Issue closed.