Target Information for Obsgroup    sbd_20160802_080643
Object name:                       HD_162220 
NAIF ID:                           N/A 
Object Magnitude:                  6.5 
Catalog Spectral Type              B9.5IV/V
Catalog Magnitude                  V=6.66, J=6.481, K=6.45
Number of FTIS files in group:     40 

Telescope Last Slew Coordinates:
RA:                                17:51:12.50 
Dec:                               -30:33:25.6 
Coordinate System:                 fk5 
Equinox:                           2000.0 
Proper motion RA  (sec/yr):        0.0002 
Proper motion Dec (arcsec/yr):     -0.0110 
Proper motion Epoch:               2000.0 
Non-sidreal rate RA (as/sec):      0.0000 
Non-sidreal rate Dec (as/sec):     0.0000 

Date of Obs. UT (Start):           2016-08-02 
Time of Obs. UT (Start):           08:06:43
Time of Obs. UT (End):             08:16:45
Hour Angle (Start):                 00:37:55.88 
Hour Angle (End):                   00:47:50.50 
Airmass (Start):                   1.593 
Airmass (End):                     1.610 
Unique Integration times (sec):    2.8 
Int. time [total A beam] (sec):    55.6 
Int. time [total B beam] (sec):    55.6 

SBD (Bigdog) SpeX Spectrograph Setup:
Dichroic (DIT)                      open 
Order Sorter Filter (OSF)           Open 
Sky position angle, deg (POSANGLE)  10.49 
Slit Wheel (SLIT)                   3.0x15 
Grating (GRAT)                      Prism 

Moon Proximity:
Elevation range (deg)               -45.5 to -46.9 
Angular separation range (deg)      143.1 to 143.0 
Fraction illumination               0.5 to 0.5 
Moon RA,Dec (Start)                 08:19:01.41 +15:36:32.2  

Seeing range (arcsec)               No Data      
Humidity range (0-100%)             66.9 to 70.7 
Optical depth range (TAU 225GHz)    0.3 to 0.3 
Wind speed range, mph               15.7 to 17.2 

Data taken by 2016B032 on this date:

INST_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS Datatype NumFITS [___O=OSF S=SLIT G=GRAT Gf=GFLT ______] ___RA______ ___DEC_____  __OBJECT_NAME_____________ 
 sbd_20160802_080643 target        40  O=Open S=3.0x15 G=Prism                17:51:12.50 -30:33:25.6  HD_162220                 
 sbd_20160802_082319 target        20  O=Open S=3.0x15 G=Prism                18:24:29.80 -29:46:50.5  HD_169142                 
 sbd_20160802_082911 calibration    6  O=Open S=0.3x15 G=Prism                18:24:29.71 -29:46:51.0  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_083646 target        40  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             17:51:12.50 -30:33:25.6  HD_162220                 
 sbd_20160802_090410 target        20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             18:24:29.80 -29:46:50.5  HD_169142                 
 sbd_20160802_091809 calibration    7  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             18:24:29.80 -29:46:51.3  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_092513 target        20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              17:51:12.50 -30:33:25.6  HD_162220                 
 sbd_20160802_093950 target        20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              18:24:29.80 -29:46:50.5  HD_169142                 
 sbd_20160802_095349 calibration    6  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              18:24:29.80 -29:46:51.3  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_100436 target        20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             20:06:15.46 +44:27:24.6  KIC 8462852               
 sbd_20160802_101814 target        20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_short            20:06:15.46 +44:27:24.6  KIC 8462852               
 sbd_20160802_105546 calibration    7  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_short            20:06:15.57 +44:27:26.7  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_110204 target        20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_short            20:06:15.46 +44:27:24.6  KIC 8462852               
 sbd_20160802_114203 standard      20  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_short            20:14:05.00 +36:36:18.8  HD_192538                 
 sbd_20160802_120422 calibration    7  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_short            20:14:04.38 +36:36:20.3  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_121252 standard      20  O=Open S=3.0x15 G=Prism                20:14:05.00 +36:36:18.8  HD_192538                 
 sbd_20160802_122123 target        10  O=Open S=3.0x15 G=Prism                20:06:15.46 +44:27:24.6  KIC 8462852               
 sbd_20160802_124250 calibration    6  O=Open S=0.3x15 G=Prism                20:06:15.38 +44:27:26.9  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_125016 standard      20  O=Open S=3.0x15 G=Prism                23:48:53.95 +59:58:43.7  HD_223386                 
 sbd_20160802_130031 target        12  O=Open S=3.0x15 G=Prism                00:43:18.26 +61:54:40.1  V594 Cas                  
 sbd_20160802_132105 calibration    6  O=Open S=0.3x15 G=Prism                00:43:18.50 +61:54:48.3  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_133021 target        12  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              00:43:18.26 +61:54:40.1  V594 Cas                  
 sbd_20160802_134056 calibration    6  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              00:43:18.66 +61:54:46.8  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_134546 standard      12  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              23:48:53.95 +59:58:43.7  HD_223386                 
 sbd_20160802_135421 calibration    6  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=ShortXD              23:48:54.04 +59:58:51.2  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_135803 standard      40  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             23:48:53.95 +59:58:43.7  HD_223386                 
 sbd_20160802_142510 calibration    7  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             23:48:54.04 +59:58:51.2  calibration               
 sbd_20160802_143154 target        40  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             00:43:18.26 +61:54:40.1  V594 Cas                  
 sbd_20160802_145830 calibration    7  O=Open S=0.8x15 G=LXD_long             00:43:18.20 +61:54:50.1  calibration