Target Information for Obsgroup sbd_20160802_052239 Object name: Titan (606) NAIF ID: 606 Object Magnitude: 8.7 Number of FTIS files in group: 8 Telescope Last Slew Coordinates: RA: 16:32:51.68 Dec: -20:16:50.8 Coordinate System: fk5 Equinox: 2000.0 Proper motion RA (sec/yr): 0.0000 Proper motion Dec (arcsec/yr): 0.0000 Proper motion Epoch: 2000.0 Non-sidreal rate RA (as/sec): -0.0016 Non-sidreal rate Dec (as/sec): 0.0002 Date of Obs. UT (Start): 2016-08-02 Time of Obs. UT (Start): 05:22:39 Time of Obs. UT (End): 05:31:11 Hour Angle (Start): -00:48:06.38 Hour Angle (End): -00:40:32.98 Airmass (Start): 1.341 Airmass (End): 1.331 Unique Integration times (sec): 44.9 Int. time [total A beam] (sec): 179.8 Int. time [total B beam] (sec): 179.8 SBD (Bigdog) SpeX Spectrograph Setup: Dichroic (DIT) open Order Sorter Filter (OSF) Open Sky position angle, deg (POSANGLE) 360.0 Slit Wheel (SLIT) 1.6x15 Grating (GRAT) ShortXD Moon Proximity: Elevation range (deg) -15.5 to -17.3 Angular separation range (deg) 128.2 to 128.1 Fraction illumination 0.7 to 0.7 Moon RA,Dec (Start) 08:10:57.27 +15:58:04.4 Weather: Seeing range (arcsec) No Data Humidity range (0-100%) 72.7 to 75.7 Optical depth range (TAU 225GHz) 0.3 to 0.3 Wind speed range, mph 6.9 to 10.1 Planet Orbit Geometry (Solar System Objects): JPL-Horizon Target Body Name Titan (606) Heliocentric range (start) 10.028522008271 AU Target-observer distance (start) 9.490058346217 AU Solar Phase angle (start) 5.0501 degrees Planetocentric Geometry (Major Bodies, zero value may indicates 'no data'): Observer sub-long 204.730 to 204.851 degrees Observer sub-lat (start) 26.430 degrees Target angular diameter (start) 0.748 degrees North Pole position angle (start) 3.418 degrees North Pole distance (start) 0.340 arcseconds Data taken by 2016B052 on this date: INST_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS Datatype NumFITS [___O=OSF S=SLIT G=GRAT Gf=GFLT ______] ___RA______ ___DEC_____ __OBJECT_NAME_____________ sbd_20160802_052239 target 8 O=Open S=1.6x15 G=ShortXD 16:32:51.52 -20:16:53.8 Titan (606) sbd_20160802_053424 standard 8 O=Open S=1.6x15 G=ShortXD 16:20:15.08 -25:38:45.5 HD_147013 sbd_20160802_054014 calibration 11 O=0.1xSTOP S=1.6x15 G=ShortXD 16:20:15.06 -25:38:59.0 calibration END