iSHELL Archive Concept
A simple diagram of the iSHELL optical path LAMP -> GAS_CELL -> COVER -> ROT -> SLIT_WH -> DEKKER -> OSF -> IGRAT -> XDGRAT -> H2RG \-----> GFLT -> Aladdin 1. Summary of the iSHELL Modes The observer selection an XDTILT selection. Which sets the DEKKER, OSF, XDROT, XDTILTSP. J0 5 Jo Jo future updated for Hel 1.08 (lower wlen?) J1 5 Jo J -6100000 wave_upper = (1.17x10^-8) x step_pos + 1.295 J2 5 Jo J 0 wave_lower = (1.35x 10^-8) x step_pos + 1.197 J3 5 Jo J 5500000 Jcus 5 Jo J f(up_wlen) H1 5 Ho H -2610000 wave_upper = (2.43x10^-8) x step_pos + 1.740 H2 5 Ho H 0 wave_lower = (2.65x 10^-8) x step_pos + 1.549 H3 5 Ho H 3500000 Hcus 5 Ho H f(up_wlen) K1 5 Ko K 4200000 wave_upper = (3.68x10^-8) x step_pos + 2.385 K2 5 Ko K 0 wave_lower = (3.65x 10^-8) x step_pos + 2.095 Kgas 5 Ko K 2300000 K3 5 Ko K 4600000 Kcus 5 Ko K f(up_wlen) L1 15 Lo L -6100000 wave_upper = (3.65x10^-8) x step_pos + 3.240 L2 15 Lo L 0 wave_lower = (3.65x 10^-8) x step_pos + 2.962 L3 15 Lo L 6500000 Lcus 15 Lo L f(up_wlen) Lp1 15 Lo Lp -6100000 wave_upper = (4.60x10^-8) x step_pos + 3.950 Lp2 15 Lo Lp 0 wave_lower = (4.78x 10^-8) x step_pos + 3.570 Lp3 15 Lo Lp 5400000 Lpcus 15 Lo Lp f(up_wlen) Lp4 25 Lo Lp 5400000 wave_upper=4.14um wave_lower=3.83um M1 15 Mo M1 0 wave_upper=5.25um M2 15 Mo M2 -700000 wave_lower=3.83um Darks n/a blank n/a n/a Sets the SLIT to Mirror. The observer selection The SlLIT Width: slit menu: 0.375, 0.75, 1.5, 4.00, Mirror How does the XUI change when custom mode are added? The user selects the custom mode, and inputs the upper or lower wavelen. The GUI can show the upper/lower for all modes. Mode: [xdtile_menu] wlen [upper] to [lower] (for custom, user enter upper wlen). SlitWid: [slit_menu] 2. What are the Archive Keywork provide to IPAC? XDTILT - XDTILT keywork and value from the FITS file. WLEN_UPPER - Upper wavelen. An equation for each XDROT provides the step to wavelen value. WLEN_LOWER - Lower wavelen. An equation for each XDROT provides the step to wavelen value. SLIT - SLIT keywork and value from the FITS file. Cartman web search widgets: XDMODE: [XDTILT pull down_menu ] // Filter Data based on XDTILT. Also include J, H, K, L, Lp, M to the menu custom_wlen: [ ] to [ ] // if user provide lower/upper wavelen filter data based on WLEN_UPPER/LOWER SlitWid: [SLIT iSHELL menu ] // Filter data based on SLIT Kyle: GFLT: K, Jo, PV, Blank, nbM, 3.46um, L, Kcont 3. how are dark handled. How are they linked to obsgroup FITS files? A project account for Darks if data can be taken within 24 hrs. Otherwise Observer sill need to nod the telelscope during their observing time. 4. What are the plan for time stamping. Is the current accuray ok, and what is the accuracy? milliseconds accuracy.