Replacement of idas1 Disk Array with a New One - Anubhav, Feb 20, 2018 Preparation ============ * copy ida & root users' crontab on idas1 to idas2, and vice versa * edit relevant files to stop NFS export on next reboot. * sync idas2 with idas1 to have most recent changes ... - archive data - /etc * prepare crontabs so that they are ready for the next reboot. * switch idas1 & idas2 host names, along with IP addresses. * reboot. * update crontabs. * update the mahchine labels. * verify that NFS exports & cron jobs are working as expected. * if needed, re-run failed jobs related to data archive. * move the disk array to the computer room. Replacement ============ @@ I will need help with removal & installation of disk arrays. @@ * on idas2 host (previously idas1), put ZFS pool1 and pool2 in offline mode. * remove the disks of both pools from the idas1 disk array. - label them with POOL NAME, DISK NUMBER as seen by OS, and the SLOT in the array. ^^ `+-- Need to research more about removing, adding disks to a ZFS pool; ask Miranda H-O if she has notes of her attempts. * remove the old disk array. * install the new disk array. * install pool1 drives in order. Put the pool in online mode. * install 6TB drives in pool2 to see if all the drives are recognized by the OS. - if YES, create a new ZFS pool "pool3" and add the new drives to the pool. -- then, copy data from ZFS pool "pool2" on idas1 to idas2 to "pool3". --- then, rename "pool3" to "pool2" (may need to destroy "pool2").