IRTF Archive Products
1. SpeX Spectrograph files
Bigdog is the SpeX spectrograph camera. The raw FITS data files from bigdog will be archived.
sbd.2016A999.160324.obj.00001.a.fits - example bigdog FITS file.
Documentation for the SpeX FITS Keywords: SpeX_FITS_keyword_reference
2. SpeX Guider/Images files
Guidedog is the SpeX guider/imaging camera. The raw FITS files from guidedog will be archived.
sgd.2016A999.160524.mercury.00001.a.fits - example guidedog FITS file.
3. ISHELL Spectrograph FITS Files
Cartman is the iSHELL spectrograph camera. The raw FITS data files from cartman will be archived.
icm.2017A999.170525.spc.00001.a.fits - example cartman FITS file.
Documentation for the iSHELL FITS Keywords: iSHELL Home page
4. ISHELL IR Guider FITS Files
Kyle is the iSHELL IR Guider/Imaging camera. The raw FITS files from kyle will be archived.
ike.2017A999.170319.FS134.00001.a.fits - example kyle FITS file.
5. Group Label files
5.1 Group Label file .glbl
Each camera system will group individual FITS image in observational groups to be
treat as a archive unit for seaches, and downloads. The .glbl file contain the information for each observational group.
sbd_20160816_141419.glbl - example group label file for bigdog (sbd).
Ref: IDA-0012_IDA_glbl_Reference_v1903.pdf
IDA-0012_IDA_glbl_Reference_v1903.odt (open office document) previous revisions can be found here.
5.2 Group target .txt and .png
sbd_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_target.txt - for the [T] button. Description about the target observed. Example: icm_20190604_062912_target.txt
sbd_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_target.png - for the [T] button. Description about the target observed.
5.3 Group QA (Quality Assessment).png - for the [Q] button. Data Quality related.
sbd_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_qa.txt - for the [Q] button. Quality Assesment information.
sbd_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_qa.png - for the [Q] button. Quality Assesment information.
5.4 Weather .png - for the [W] button. Shows weather summary for UTC Data/Program_ID.
Example weather.png: weather_20190704.png
6. Program Information
A short summary of the awarded observer program is provide in the program_YYYYSNNN.txt file.
example: program_2016B087.txt
7. ielogs
ielogs are time-sampled event logs produced for each UTC date. THe IRTF TCS and
instruments generate the logs, includes: TCS mode changes (ie, commanded slew and
tracking events ), logging of saved FITS data, and other relevant information for this UTC date.
A README at the top level directory will document the contents of the file.
When downloading archived FITS data, an option to download the ielog based on UTC date can be
provided. - an example ielog zip file for UTC 2016-05-22.
ielog_20160522/ - click on this link to browse the example data in your web browser.
8. Weather Data
Weather and enviromental data will be collect and provided as a zip file for each UTC date.
A README file is include inside the zip file for documentation. - example weather zip file for UTC 2016-04-01.
weather_20160401/ click on this link to browse the example data in your web browser.