2023-03-24 02:58:54 1679626734 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 02:58:54 1679626734 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 02:58:54 1679626734 sgd xui.login guidedog 2023A999 2023-03-24 02:58:54 1679626734 sgd cmd.path /scrs1/guidedog/2023A999/230324 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-24 02:58:56 1679626736 sgd ID ImgNo Object_name Itime CoA Cy DT DIT OSF SLIT GRAT Save HA AirM UTC 2023-03-24 02:58:56 1679626736 sgd GO noname 0.241 1 1 T open Blank 0.8x15 K Off 0.002 1.00 02:58 2023-03-24 02:59:18 1679626758 sgd GO noname 2.889 1 1 T open Open 0.8x15 K Off 0.002 1.00 02:59 2023-03-24 02:59:51 1679626791 sbd Image Number set to 3. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 02:59:51 1679626791 sbd cmd.path /home/bigdog/data image_no=3 updated=1 2023-03-24 02:59:51 1679626791 sbd xui.login bigdog 2023A999 2023-03-24 02:59:51 1679626791 sbd cmd.path /scrs1/bigdog/2023A999/230324 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-24 03:01:06 1679626866 sbd ID ImgNo Object_name Itime CoA Cy DT DIT OSF SLIT GFLT Save HA AirM UTC 2023-03-24 03:01:06 1679626866 sbd GO noname 4.634 1 1 T open Open 0.8x15 Prism Off 0.002 1.00 03:01 2023-03-24 03:01:28 1679626888 sbd xui.logout 2023-03-24 03:01:28 1679626888 sbd Image Number set to 3. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 03:01:28 1679626888 sbd cmd.path /home/bigdog/data image_no=3 updated=1 2023-03-24 03:01:28 1679626888 sbd macro.beg /home/bigdog/macro/bigdog/logout. 2023-03-24 03:01:29 1679626889 sbd macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 03:01:35 1679626895 sgd xui.logout 2023-03-24 03:01:35 1679626895 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 03:01:35 1679626895 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 03:01:35 1679626895 sgd macro.beg /home/guidedog/macro/guidedog/logout. 2023-03-24 03:01:36 1679626896 sgd macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 03:01:46 1679626906 ike xui.login kyle 2023A999 2023-03-24 03:01:53 1679626913 ike GO object name 2.891 1 1 Jo Mirror Off 0.000 0.000 0.00 00:00 2023-03-24 03:02:28 1679626948 icm xui.login cartman 2023A999 2023-03-24 03:06:51 1679627211 icm GO object name 0.463 1 1 Mo 0.375 15 M1 15 Off 0.002 19.648 1.00 03:06 1/2 2023-03-24 03:07:05 1679627225 icm GO object name 2.780 1 1 Mo 0.375 15 M1 15 Off 0.002 19.648 1.00 03:06 1/2 2023-03-24 03:07:31 1679627251 icm xui.logout 2023-03-24 03:07:32 1679627252 icm macro.beg /home/cartman/macro/cartman/logout. 2023-03-24 03:07:32 1679627252 icm macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 03:07:39 1679627259 ike xui.logout 2023-03-24 03:07:39 1679627259 ike macro.beg /home/kyle/macro/kyle/logout. 2023-03-24 03:07:39 1679627259 ike macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 05:02:27 1679634147 sbd Image Number set to 3. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 05:02:27 1679634147 sbd cmd.path /home/bigdog/data image_no=3 updated=1 2023-03-24 05:02:27 1679634147 sbd xui.login 2023A028 2023A028 2023-03-24 05:02:27 1679634147 sbd cmd.path /scrs1/bigdog/2023A028/230324 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-24 05:02:49 1679634169 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 05:02:49 1679634169 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 05:02:49 1679634169 sgd xui.login 2023A028 2023A028 2023-03-24 05:02:49 1679634169 sgd cmd.path /scrs1/guidedog/2023A028/230324 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-24 05:03:38 1679634218 mor xui.login 2023A028 2023A028 2023-03-24 05:03:38 1679634218 mor cmd.path /scrs1/moris/2023A028/230324 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-24 11:48:12 1679658492 sbd xui.logout 2023-03-24 11:48:12 1679658492 sbd macro.beg /home/bigdog/macro/bigdog/logout. 2023-03-24 11:48:13 1679658493 sbd macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 11:48:16 1679658496 sbd Image Number set to 3. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 11:48:16 1679658496 sbd cmd.path /home/bigdog/data image_no=3 updated=1 2023-03-24 11:48:17 1679658497 sgd xui.logout 2023-03-24 11:48:18 1679658498 sgd macro.beg /home/guidedog/macro/guidedog/logout. 2023-03-24 11:48:21 1679658501 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 11:48:21 1679658501 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 11:48:35 1679658515 mor xui.logout 2023-03-24 11:48:36 1679658516 mor macro.beg /home/moris/macro/moris/logout. 2023-03-24 11:48:38 1679658518 mor macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 11:48:39 1679658519 mor Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 11:48:39 1679658519 mor cmd.path /home/moris/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 11:48:41 1679658521 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 11:48:41 1679658521 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 11:48:41 1679658521 sgd xui.login guidedog 2023A999 2023-03-24 11:48:42 1679658522 sgd cmd.path /scrs1/guidedog/2023A999/230324 image_no=1 updated=0 2023-03-24 11:48:51 1679658531 sgd macro.end execution finished. 2023-03-24 11:49:01 1679658541 sgd xui.logout 2023-03-24 11:49:02 1679658542 sgd Image Number set to 10. Images may have been saved in this path. 2023-03-24 11:49:02 1679658542 sgd cmd.path /home/guidedog/data image_no=10 updated=1 2023-03-24 11:49:02 1679658542 sgd macro.beg /home/guidedog/macro/guidedog/logout. 2023-03-24 11:49:02 1679658542 sgd macro.end execution finished.