This directory contains the IRTF Data Archive Weather infromation. The weather data is
collected for each 24 hour UTC period. The data includes:

data/  - various .txt file and graphs for weather and see data.
   tau225.txt - timestamp and values for TAU 225GHz optical depth from the SMA weather site
                The SMA home page is
   dimm.txt   - timestamp and values for DIMM seeing values from the CFHT weather server.
                The CFHT home page is
   mass.txt   - timestamp and values for MASS seeing values from the CFHT weather server.
                The CFHT home page is
   hum_ext.txt    - External Humitidy from the IRTF sensors HE1 (0-100)
   temp_ext.txt   - External Air Temperature from the IRTF sensors TE2, in degC.
   temp_dome.txt  - Internal Dome temperature from an IRTF sensors TD6, in degC.
   wind_sp.txt    - External mean wind speed from an IRTF sensor WMSPD1, m/s.
   wind_dir.txt   - External wind directory from an IRTF sensor WDIR1 (N=0, E=90, S=180, W=270).
   tcs_mode.txt   - The Telescope Control System (TCS) Mode: 0=Stop, 1=MP, 2=MV, 3=Track, 4=Slew
   mir_covers.txt - The state of the TCS mirror covers: 0=Close, 1=Open

   asiva_{z|h}_{ne|se|sw|nw}.txt - External ASIVA data value. 8 file are produced
      This data summaries the cloud coverage in a area the sky. Filename indicate the area
      the {z|h} indicates a elevation zone: z=2airmass to zenith. h= Horizon to 2 airmass.
      The {ne|se|sw|nw} indicated the azimuth zone: north-east, south-east, etc.
      For example,the file asiva_h_ne.txt contains data for H (horizon-2Airmass) in the North-East.
      A single value in the file provide a predictive value for the cloud coverage, where:

             Value      Condition      Color
            ---------  -------------  -------
            > 1.00      photometric   Green
            0.33-0.99   cirus/cloudy  Orange
            < 0.33      cloudy        Red

         The color are used on the weather graph, and asiva images.

   weather_YYYMMDD.png - a graph of the above data is generate. The graph shows
      a line plot for the various data for the UTC date. Most plot are self-explanatory, but..
      ASIVA Data: The Asiva data show bar graph for each quardrant (NE, SE, SW, NW).
      Since each quardrant has a Hor (Hor to 2 airmass), and Zen (2 airmass to Zenith)
      value, they are stacked on each other, note the 2 dash lines.
      TCS Trk: This bar graph display green when the TCS is tracking and the
        Mirror Covers are open.
      PROGRAM_ID data saved - Below the "TCS Trk", the time when data is
        saved by each Program ID is plotted in orange, each line represent a saved FITS
        file from Spex or iSHELL. The numbers on the left of the graph show the number of
        files saved by each Program ID.
        Below the graphs, a count of files saved by instrument code is displayed.

asiva/   - The CFHT ASIVA is their All Sky Infrared Visible Analyzer. Used for
           cloud detection and coverage data.
           The CFHT web link is:
           The images are collect and the IRTF RA, DEC, Alt, Az, TCS MODE is written in yellow
           on the top of each image.
           The yellow "+" marks the approximate location of the IRTF telescope.
           The .png are used to create a .mpg movie of the entire night.
           ASIVS imsage were collect as of 8/5/2016.

hi_watervapor_band09/ - STAR images of Band 9 (IR: mid-level water vapor, wavelength: 6.9 um)
                        are saved here every hour. The project generates a JPEG
                        image every 5 minutes. At the end of UTC date,
                        hi_visible_band02.mp4 (MPEG) animation file is generated
                        from *.jpg files.

                        The Center for Satellite Applications and Research,
                        STAR, project:


                        Image of GOES 17 satellite for Hawaii:

hi_infrared_band13/ - STAR images of Band 13 (IR: clean longwave window, wavelength: 10.3 um)
                        are saved here every hour. The project generates a JPEG
                        image every 5 minutes. At the end of UTC date,
                        hi_visible_band02.mp4 (MPEG) animation file is generated
                        from *.jpg files

                        The Center for Satellite Applications and Research, STAR, project:

                        Images of GOES 17 satellite for Hawaii: