YYMMDD HH:MM:SS ImgNo RA DEC Object_Name HA AirM ITime CoA Cy DT ROT SLIT XDMT AFOC --------------- ----- -------- --------- -------------------- ------ ---- ------ --- --- -- ------- ------ ----- -------- 211010 08:13:54 00001 22:25:36.34 -34:54:19.9 HR8451 +00:57 1.13 29.65 2 2 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 08:14:26 COMMENT Starting with cals for star HR8451 211010 08:15:16 COMMENT The focus setting today is -0.46 and seeing is around 0.68. Best seeing of the three days so far 211010 08:16:10 COMMENT Weather conditions are looking good. Very clear and no signs of cloud just yet. 211010 08:17:27 COMMENT Tom, Nahid, Emma on observations today. Dave as TO. 211010 08:29:25 00005 22:10:21.14 -03:53:33.1 Uranus -03:22 1.49 29.65 3 200 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 09:04:24 COMMENT We have moved on to Uranus and been there for more than half an hour now 211010 09:05:06 COMMENT The seeing is good but we're seeing some deviation from the usual rock-steady guiding that we rely on 211010 09:05:23 COMMENT It's not a lot but enough to worth noting! 211010 09:47:53 COMMENT The moons of Uranus are now appearing brighter and sharper than earlier on in the run 211010 09:48:14 COMMENT Likely a product of the improving airmass of Uranus 211010 10:55:44 COMMENT Observations wtill going well - everything ship shape 211010 13:41:56 COMMENT We have lost Uranus - looking to get it back and start observing again 211010 13:48:01 COMMENT Uranus has been retrieved by Dave - Tom is setting up guiding again and we will set off for more spectra shortly 211010 13:48:59 00138 02:44:37.54 15:28:46.0 Uranus +01:59 1.14 29.65 3 100 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 13:57:39 COMMENT What happened earlier is most likely that kyle lost Uranus, at which point cartman was also stopped to find Uran 211010 14:51:23 COMMENT Observing going well - Uranus still looking quite clear. Maybe 40 minutes more at Uranus to go. 211010 15:00:37 COMMENT Hi to everyone watching us observe! 211010 15:36:01 COMMENT Uranus starting to look fuzzy around the edges - no surprises as it is starting to get brighter at Mauna Kea 211010 15:36:43 COMMENT We will be stopping spectra-taking after a handful more cycles are finished before moving to dark and flat-field 211010 15:46:53 00188 02:44:37.07 15:28:52.7 ThAr on +03:57 1.80 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 15:47:39 00189 02:44:37.58 15:28:53.0 ThAr off +03:58 1.81 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 15:47:57 COMMENT Uranus spectra-taking ceased. Dark and flat-field calibration macro executed 211010 15:47:57 00190 02:44:37.58 15:28:53.0 ThAr off +03:58 1.81 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 15:48:13 00191 02:44:37.58 15:28:53.0 ThAr on +03:58 1.81 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 15:48:15 COMMENT We're almost done and this has been a great night for observing :-) 211010 15:48:59 00192 02:44:37.57 15:28:53.0 IR +03:59 1.82 6.950 1 5 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:05:03 COMMENT Trying to find a better custom wavelength to allow us to view some R lines 211010 16:05:10 00197 02:44:37.56 15:28:52.9 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:06:44 00198 06:59:52.43 19:41:37.2 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:07:33 00199 07:01:26.16 19:41:40.0 ThAr on +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:08:20 00200 07:02:15.81 19:41:41.5 ThAr off +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:08:37 00201 07:03:02.60 19:41:42.9 ThAr off +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:08:54 00202 07:03:19.85 19:41:43.5 ThAr on +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:09:39 00203 07:03:36.76 19:41:44.0 IR +00:00 1.00 6.950 1 5 C 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:15:02 00208 07:05:03.67 19:41:46.6 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:16:56 00209 07:09:46.58 19:41:55.1 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Lp3 -200000 211010 16:20:52 00210 07:11:40.57 19:41:58.5 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Custom -250000 211010 16:23:54 00211 07:15:37.40 19:42:05.5 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Custom -250000 211010 16:26:24 00212 07:18:39.61 19:42:10.9 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Custom -250000 211010 16:28:56 00213 07:21:09.77 19:42:15.3 Uranus +00:00 1.00 4.634 1 1 T 87.700 0.375 Custom -250000