Miranda's IRTF Home Page

My Logs Network Stuff

Miranda Hawarden-Ogata
System Administrator/Network Engineer
Email: hawarden@ifa.hawaii.edu
Phone: (808) 932-2380
Fax: (808) 933-0737

NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
Institute for Astronomy
University of Hawaii
640 N.Aohoku Place
Hilo, Hawaii 96720

I'm usually in my office, room 229, if I'm not in the remote room or the student room

I am the "Network Engineer" for the IRTF, which is a fancy way of saying I'm the system administrator. I take care of the printers, email, and the public workstations. I am also the webmaster as well as being responsible for the non-instrument server computers, like the file server and the webserver. I'm basically a nanny-JOAT.... =D

I don't usually have major projects, but I have worked on:
MIM Cabinet cooling
IQUP Project
The IRTF website

General Work Schedule:
Mon - Fri, 8 to 5, with lunch sometime in the middle.

ToDo list

(you are viewing index.html)
(today's date is Feb 06, 2025)