Apogee Start up
These are staff instruction to start up the apogee software.
The staff should start up apogee.
The observer should only need to 'connect' to stefan:11
1. Starting the Apogee Linux Software
a. Normally a apogee vnc session is running on stefan:11. Connect
to the vnc session, ie "vncviewer stefan:11"
b. How to create a VNC session on stefan.
stefan> vnc -show <- Check if the VNC session exist
stefan> vnc -start apogee <- If not, create it.
User your viewer to connect to the vnc session.
stefan> vncviewer stefan:N
c. From an xterm login to apogee as apogee. The type 'start_apogee'
Remember the apogee is X window software, so setup your DISPLAY if necessary.
stefan > xhost +
stefan > rlogin apogee -l apogee
(use the project password).
apogee > setenv DISPLAY stefan:11
apogee > startapogee