freia: Invitation email template for guest account, fguest[1-7], usage


Host freia is set up with IDL, and Spextool for both SpeX and iSHELL.
General instruction for using freia is located at

Your guest account information on freia host is:

  Username                   : fguest[N]
  Account and VNC Password * : [make new password]
  Expiry Date **             : [3 months from account creation]
  SSH Address                : fguest[N]
  VNC Address                :[N]

  * On first login, above password would have expired and you would be
    asked to set a new password (see an example later) that is at
    least 12 characters long. Please have it ready before logging in.

    See also

    Change of password for SSH login account does not cause change of VNC
    password. You are highly encouraged to change your VNC password via
    "vncpasswd" command.

  ** Account could be renewed on request.

Remember VNC will require an SSH Tunnel. See the freia instructions at

Help contacts (IRTF contact information: ):
   - with your account (how to login or VNC): Anubhav Agarwal (best via email)
   - with data reduction: Adwin Boogert.

- Anubhav

An example session for password change for user "fguest33":
  ssh's password:
  You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced)

  Last login: <date> from <IP address>
  WARNING: Your password has expired.
  You must change your password now and login again!
  Changing password for user fguest33.
  Current password:
  New password:
  Retype new password:
  passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.