Menus, Combo Box, Toolbar

Table of Contents
GtkCombo -- a text entry field with a dropdown list.
GtkItemFactory -- 
GtkMenu -- a drop down menu widget.
GtkMenuBar -- A subclass widget for GtkMenuShell which holds GtkMenuItem widgets
GtkMenuItem -- the widget used for item in menus
GtkMenuShell -- a base class for menu objects.
GtkOptionMenu -- a widget used to choose from a list of valid choices.
GtkImageMenuItem -- 
GtkRadioMenuItem -- A choice from multiple check menu items.
GtkCheckMenuItem -- a menu item with a check box.
GtkSeparatorMenuItem -- a separator used in menus.
GtkTearoffMenuItem -- a menu item used to tear off and reattach its menu.
GtkToolbar -- create bars of buttons and other widgets.