II. GTK+ Core Reference

Table of Contents
Main loop and Events -- Library initialization, main event loop, and events
Keyboard Accelerator Groups --  Groups of global keyboard accelerators for an entire GtkWindow
Accelerator Maps -- 
Clipboards -- Storing data on clipboards.
Drag and Drop -- Functions for controlling drag and drop handling.
Stock Items --  Prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons
Themeable Stock Images --  Manipulating stock icons
Resource Files -- Routines for handling resource files
GtkSettings -- 
Bindings -- 
Standard Enumerations -- Public enumerated types used throughout GTK+.
Graphics Contexts -- provides access to a shared pool of GdkGC objects.
Styles -- 
Selections -- Functions for handling inter-process communication via selections.
Version Information -- variables and functions to check the GTK+ version.
Signals -- Object methods and callbacks.
Types -- Handle run-time type creation.