Abstract Base Classes

Table of Contents
GtkBin -- a container with just one child.
GtkBox -- a base class for box containers
GtkButtonBox -- Base class for GtkHButtonBox and GtkVButtonBox
GtkContainer -- 
GtkEditable -- Base class for text-editing widgets.
GtkItem -- abstract base class for GtkMenuItem, GtkListItem and GtkTreeItem.
GtkMisc -- a base class for widgets with alignments and padding.
GtkObject -- The base class of the GTK+ type hierarchy.
GtkPaned -- Base class for widgets with two adjustable panes
GtkRange -- 
GtkScale -- a base class for GtkHScale and GtkVScale.
GtkScrollbar -- base class for GtkHScrollbar and GtkVScrollbar.
GtkSeparator -- a base class for GtkHSeparator and GtkVSeparator.
GtkWidget --