On 12/19/2007, did a tcs3 pointing run. Due to bad weather we only manage to
do a benchmark with about 40 stars. Originials files are here:


benchmark1.ape  - tcs3 procedures this APE date file.
benchmark1.dat.org - orginial file (has error in RawRA).

Found a bug in TCS3 code,  RawRA column wrong. I fixed it here:

   benchmark1.dat  - fixed data file.

Ran the bmgraph program , and got this:

   benchmark1.ps  - output of bmgraph.tcl
    benchmark1.pdf  - converted .ps to .pdf

Ran tpoint on data using benchmark1.ps
Results are:

   pointing_coeff.txt  - new coefficients.
   pointing.ps  - tpoint graphs.
   pointing.pdf  - converted .ps to .pdf
   tpoint_log.dat  - log of tpoint session.

Graphs the APE vs MOUNT data, benchmark1.ape:
   bm_ape.pdf  - Graphs using .ape data.
   ape.gp  - Gnuplot script to produce the scripts.

   Looking Ape vs mount error over distance travel:

   HA: (200 as * 20 cnt) / (120 deg * 3600) = .009259 ratio error?
   Dec (600 as * 20 cnt) / ( 72 deg * 3600) = .046296 ratio error?