About the SixNet IO equipment

Update: 2018-08 - The sixnet ethertrak unit failed on SMOKEY on Aug 2018. It was replaced using a RIO-47120. The sixnet was used to driver the filter wheel. Now the RIO will drive the filter wheel.

For some digital IO, smokey uses sixnet brand IO device.
SixNet home page: http://www.sixnetio.com

Email from sixnet with our software registration license: license.txt
This registration is needed to run their sixnet_io_toolkit. You can download it from the sixnet site. The IOToolKit is a window application.

    sixnet_io_tools.exe - A copy I used on Jan 2002

Setup - You must use SixNet's io_toolket to setup and configure the SixNet Hardware. The smokey software can only read & write register values from the modules. AO can not do any configuration or diagnostics (Universial Protocol specification doesn't tell us how to do this).
Any changes to the configuation (IP number, AO voltage mapping) is done using their IOToolKit. The initial setup went something like this:

    Install IO TookKit on PC & enter registration license.
    Connect to Ethertrak using serial interface.
    Configure network parameter
    Connect to Ethertrak using Ethernet
    Configure IO parameters and Test hardware
Then it is OK to use the smokey program - The IC/XUI talks Univerial Protocol on Linux over Ethernet(UDP).

SMOKEY_020516.6PJ - config file for hilo lab on 05/16/2002. (from P.Onaka).

Universial Protocol - SixNet's Universial Protocol (SUP) is their proprietary protocol. The AO used this protocol for controlling sixnet IO. There is the information I used to implement the UP protocal over UDP on Unix.

    sixnet_universal_protocol.pdf - Specification document from udrkit.exe
    ethernet.txt - Note on implement UP over ethernet from udrkit.exe
    This directory contains SixNetx's udrkit.exe files - A example implmentation (over serial & DOS).

ModBus - Ethertrak support modbus, but we didn't used it. But here are some modbus references.

    A modbus web site: www.modbus.org
    A modbus web site: www.modicon.com/openbus