AO Startup Procedures.

0. Things to remember

   - AORT is connected to 'rpcserver' on outlet8.
   - Turn power on to the backplane, WFS power and Relay power
   - rpc for ao is "aopwr". Command is 'rpc3 aopwr'.
   - Do not turn on APD power until you are sure of the instrument state

1. Starting the AO Instrumentation Programs

   1.1 Select AOUI on the cybex. Login as 'ao' and type startx
       to bring up xwindows.

   1.2 Type xterm_ao to bring up 3 xterms.
       This should give you 2 RT xterms (blue), and 1 AOUI xterms (green).

   1.3 In blue xterm #1, load the RT processes:

         > su aroot
         # cd current/lp
         # start_ao

   1.4 In blue xterm #2, start the LP Interface processes:

         > cd current/lpi
         > start_lpi

   1.4 In green xterm, start the IC processes:

         > cd current/ic
         > ic

2. Starting the AO XUI apps:

   From your observers workstation (ie: stefan):

   2.1 Open an xterm and login to aoui:

         stefan > xhost +
         stefan > rlogin aoui -l ao

   2.2 Once you are login in to the aoui, start the xui. The window are
       exported to your workstation.

         aoui > setenv DISPLAY stefan:0.0
         aoui > cd current/xui
         aoui > xui