IRTF Weather Data

The weather data collected around the IRTF is located in weather.txt, created as part of the IQUP data collection. It is generated every minute by a script via cron under iqup user account on goblin host as of 2023-08-29.

The file contains the following data:

  • TIMESTAMP1, unix timestamp for the data
  • TIMESTAMP2, human-readable format of TIMESTAMP1
  • TELESCOPE, telescope identifier
  • TE1, temperature in C, top of the IRTF dome
  • TE2, temperature in C, top of the IRTF dome
  • TE3, temperature in C, west side of IRTF roof
  • HE1, humidity, top of the IRTF dome
  • HE2, humidity, west side of IRTF roof
  • WDIR1, wind direction in degrees from north, on external fan room roof west of IRTF
  • MDNWSD1, median windspeed over two minutes in mph, on external fan room roof west of IRTF
  • AVGWSP1, average windspeed over two minutes in mph, on external fan room roof west of IRTF
  • MINWSP1, minimum windspeed over two minutes in mph, on external fan room roof west of IRTF
  • MAXWSP1, maximum windspeed over two minutes in mph, on external fan room roof west of IRTF
  • WDIR2, wind direction in degrees from north, sensor not connected
  • MDNWSD2, median windspeed over two minutes in mph, sensor not connected
  • AVGWSP2, average windspeed over two minutes in mph, sensor not connected
  • MINWSP2, minimum windspeed over two minutes in mph, sensor not connected
  • MAXWSP2, maximum windspeed over two minutes in mph, sensor not connected
  • DEWPT1, dewpoint in C, inside mirror cell
  • DEWPT2, dewpoint in C, west side of IRTF roof
  • BP1, barometric pressure in millibars, IRTF mirror cell